Tags: Naios/continuable
Toggle 4.2.2's commit message
Ensure that continuables that are resolved immediately are always sym…
…metrically transferable
Toggle 4.2.1's commit message
fix clang coroutines detection
Toggle 4.2.0's commit message
Fix Stopping a continuable in a failure handler makes wait() hang for…
* Closes #46
* Closes #48
Toggle 4.1.0's commit message
Fix a race condition in cti::transforms::wait()
* Thanks to p4654545 for reporting this issue and providing a reproducible example
* Closes #38
Toggle 4.0.0's commit message
Add a quick tour to the readme
Toggle 3.0.0's commit message
Fix a MSVC C++latest warning regarding allocator traits
Toggle 3.0.0-alpha-1's commit message
Address a MSVC compiler bug which prevents collapsing references in c…
* Closes #2
Toggle 2.0.0's commit message
Push the version to 2.0.0
Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Beautify the doxygen main page
Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
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