Started by initializing a new Node.js project and installing Express.js to create your backend server. You can use npm init to initialize your project and npm install express to install Express.js.
To start and run the Server use this command
npm install && npm run dev
To test the app use this command
npm test
Created routes for CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for managing todo items.
Implemented corresponding controller functions to handle these operations.
Implemented user authentication middleware using JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
Created routes for user registration and login,
Utilized JWT to generate tokens upon successful authentication and verify tokens on protected routes.
Set up a Node.js project and install Express.js.
Defined routes, middleware, and controllers to handle API requests.
- [authRoutes.js]
- [todoRoutes.js]
- [todoSchema.js]
- [userSchema.js]
- [authentication.js]
- [error-hanler.js]
- [not-found.js]
- [auth.js]
- [todoController.js]
- Choosen a Mongo Database to store data
- Set up a connection to the chosen database MongoDB using a suitable Node.js library using Mongoose for MongoDB.
- Defined database models for storing todo items and user information.
Created endpoints for performing CRUD operations on todo items. Defined routes for creating, reading, updating, and deleting todo-items, and implemented corresponding controller functions to handle these operations.
- Written unit tests and integration tests for API endpoints using Jest.
- Mocked dependencies such as database operations and external services.
- Tested authentication flows, CRUD operations, error handling, and edge cases.
Written a Dockerfile to define the application's environment and dependencies.
Build a Docker image for the application.
Note - I have used local environment URL (mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb.todo-auth) for MongoDB in dockerfile
- Set up Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines to automate testing.
- Used a CI/CD platform (e.g., GitHub Actions) to trigger builds and tests on code changes.
- Configured deployment pipelines to deploy the application to staging and production environments.
- Hashed user passwords before storing them in the database using a strong hashing algorithm (e.g., bcrypt).
- Stored JWT secret securely and rotate it periodically.
- Added pagination and filtering parameters to relevant API endpoints.
- Implemented logic to paginate through large datasets and filter results based on criteria provided in the request.
- Docgen Library
- Export Postman Collection
- Make sure the postman's collection and windows_amd64.exe should reside in same folder
- Run below command using command prompt
- windows_amd64 build -i todo_crud-apis-auth.postman_collection.json -o index.html
- A index.html file will be generated then place place that file under public folder
- Use this code to host static html file