The Object-Change-Tracker is a simple library that you can pass in two objects of the same type and the library will return you a list of all the primative properties that are different between the two. This is great if you want to build a simple change history to you .NET application.
To use the change library simply instantiate an instance of the ChangeDetector
ChangeDetector changeDetector = new ChangeDetector();
From there, you can get a list of changes by calling the GetChanges
List<Changes> = changeDetector.GetChanges(originalObject, changedObject, modifiedBy, timestamp);
The result of this call will be a list with zero or more changes in it. If there are no differences between the objects, it returns an empty list. otherwise, there will be a change object for each property that has changed.
Note: This library ignores complex objects that are properties of a passed in object. It is expected if you want to track changes of child objects, you call the GetChanges()
function for those objects as well.