A NativeScript plugin for the Spotify iOS and Android SDKs.
- Install
- Prerequisites
- Usage
- Screenshots
- Documentation
- Why the
prefixed name? - Try it/Contributing
npm install nativescript-spotify --save
- Spotify streaming requires a Premium account.
- Create a Spotify Developer account here: https://developer.spotify.com/
- Create an app in your developer account and follow these instructions to get setup: https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/spotify-ios-sdk/tutorial/#creating-your-client-id-secret-and-callback-uri
- Based on the Spotify iOS SDK Beta 13
- Android based on Spotify Android SDK 1.0.0-beta13
- app.ts
Configure application launch phases to setup your Spotify App CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URL (the ones you created above in the developer account):
import * as application from 'application';
import {NSSpotifyConstants, NSSpotifyAuth} from 'nativescript-spotify';
class MyDelegate extends UIResponder {
public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];
public applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application: UIApplication, launchOptions: NSDictionary): boolean {
NSSpotifyConstants.CLIENT_ID = 'your spotify premium account api key';
TNSSpotifyAuth.REDIRECT_URL = 'your-app-custom-url-scheme://spotifylogin';
return true;
application.ios.delegate = MyDelegate;
application.mainModule = "main-page";
application.cssFile = "./app.css";
- main-page.ts
import {SpotifyDemo} from "./main-view-model";
function pageLoaded(args) {
var page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = new SpotifyDemo();
exports.pageLoaded = pageLoaded;
- main-view-model.ts
import {Observable, EventData} from 'data/observable';
import {Page} from 'ui/page';
import {topmost} from 'ui/frame';
import {AnimationCurve} from 'ui/enums';
import * as loader from 'nativescript-loading-indicator';
import {TNSSpotifyConstants, TNSSpotifyAuth, TNSSpotifyPlayer, TNSSpotifyPlaylist, TNSSpotifyRequest, Utils} from 'nativescript-spotify';
export class SpotifyDemo extends Observable {
private _spotify: TNSSpotifyPlayer;
constructor() {
this._spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();
// when using iOS delegates that extend NSObject, TypeScript constructors are not used, therefore a separate `initPlayer()` exists
this._spotify.initPlayer(true); // passing `true` lets player know you want it to emit events (sometimes it's not desired)
// small sample of events (see Documentation below for full list)
this._spotify.audioEvents.on('albumArtChange', (eventData) => {
this._spotify.audioEvents.on('authLoginSuccess', (eventData) => {
public login() {
public play(args?: EventData) {
this._spotify.togglePlay('spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp').then((isPlaying: boolean) => {
console.log(isPlaying ? 'Playing!' : 'Paused!');
}, (error) => {
console.log(`Playback error: ${error}`);
private updateAlbumArt(url: string) {
this.set(`currentAlbumUrl`, url);
private loginSuccess() {
Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
Sample 3 | Sample 4 |
![]() |
![]() |
- Docs coming soon for Android...
TNSSpotifyPlayer implements SPTAudioStreamingPlaybackDelegate.
// Option 1: simple
this.spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();
// Option 2: advanced
this.spotify = new TNSSpotifyPlayer();
// passing `true` will let the player know it should emit events
// it allows you to listen to events like so:
this.spotify.audioEvents.on('startedPlayingTrack', (event) => {
console.log(event.data.url); // spotify track url
// play/pause a track
this.spotify.togglePlay('spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp').then((isPlaying: boolean) => {
console.log(isPlaying ? 'Playing!' : 'Paused!');
}, (error) => {
console.log(`Playback error: ${error}`);
Method | Description |
togglePlay(track?: string) : Promise<any> |
Allows toggle play/pause on a track, or changing a track. track must be a valid spotify track uri. Learn more here |
isPlaying() : boolean |
Determine if player is currently playing |
isLoggedIn() : boolean |
Determine if player is authenticated |
setVolume(value: number) : Promise<any> |
Set the player volume |
loadedTrack() : string |
Determine current loaded track (spotify track uri) |
currentTrackMetadata() : ISpotifyTrackMetadata |
Get the current track's metadata. Learn more here |
Event | Description |
authLoginChange |
Sends along data = status: boolean When auth state changes. |
authLoginCheck |
When auth callback has returned and is verifying authentication |
authLoginSuccess |
When auth succeeded |
albumArtChange |
Sends along data = url: string When track triggers a play start, this will also trigger to send along the correct album art of the track. |
playerReady |
When the session has been validated and the player is ready to play. |
changedPlaybackStatus |
Sends along data = playing: boolean When playback state changes. |
seekedToOffset |
Sends along data = offset: number When player has seeked to a given offset. |
changedVolume |
Sends along data = volume: number When the player volume was changed. |
changedShuffleStatus |
Sends along data = shuffle: number When shuffle setting was changed. |
changedRepeatStatus |
Sends along data = repeat: number When repeat setting was changed. |
changedToTrack |
Sends along data = metadata: any When track change occurs. |
failedToPlayTrack |
Sends along data = url: string When track play fails. Provides the url of the track that failed. |
startedPlayingTrack |
Sends along data = url: string When track play starts. Provides the url of the track that started. |
stoppedPlayingTrack |
Sends along data = url: string When track play stops. Provides the url of the track that stopped. |
skippedToNextTrack |
When player skipped to next track. |
skippedToPreviousTrack |
When player skipped to previous track. |
activePlaybackDevice |
When the audio streaming object becomes the active playback device on the user’s account. |
inactivePlaybackDevice |
When the audio streaming object becomes an inactive playback device on the user’s account. |
poppedQueue |
When the audio streaming object becomes an inactive playback device on the user’s account. |
temporaryConnectionError |
A temporary connection error occurred. |
streamError |
Sends along data = error: any when a streaming error occurred. |
receivedMessage |
Sends along data = message: string when a message is received from the Spotify service. |
streamDisconnected |
When the stream becomes disconnected. |
Provides static
properties and methods to help with authentication handling and user management.
Property | Description |
REDIRECT_URL : string |
Used to set your spotify application redirect url, required for device auth redirect, ie: 'your-app-custom-url-scheme://spotifylogin' |
SESSION : SPTSession |
Represents the current auth session. |
CLEAR_COOKIES : boolean |
Clear cookies in auth window to not remember last logged in user. Defaults false . |
PREMIUM_MSG : string |
The message which alerts when a non-premium user attempts to play a track. |
Method | Description |
LOGIN() : void |
Initiates login sequence. |
LOGIN_WITH_SESSION(session) : void |
Logs user in with session returned from the in-app browser auth window. |
LOGOUT() : void |
Clear's persisted user session and notifies of login change. |
HANDLE_AUTH_CALLBACK(url) : boolean |
When using standard browser redirect auth, this can be used in application launch phase to handle the auth redirect back into the app. On older versions, this may be needed. |
VERIFY_SESSION(session?: any) : Promise<any> |
Mainly used internally, but used to restore a session from local persistence and/or renew. |
SAVE_SESSION(session) : void |
Mainly used internally, but can be used to persist a valid Spotify session. |
Get the current user's session. Learn more here |
RENEW_SESSION(session) : Promise<any> |
Can be used to pass an expired session to renew it. |
CURRENT_USER() : Promise<any> |
Get the current user object. Learn more here |
Provides 1 static
method to search Spotify.
Method | Description |
QUERY(query: string, queryType: string, offset: number = 0) : Promise<any> |
Search and paginate through query results of Spotify search results. Resolves an Object structure: {page: number (offset), hasNextPage: boolean, totalListLength: number, tracks: Array} . Right now using queryType = 'track' is supported. More query types coming soon. |
stands for Telerik NativeScript
iOS uses classes prefixed with NS
(stemming from the NeXTSTEP days of old):
To avoid confusion with iOS native classes, TNS
is used instead.