🐭 XFCE4 Dotfiles by Natry
This is my personal collection of configuration files.
Here are some details about my setup:
- WM: Xfce
- OS: Arch Linux
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh
- Compositor: picom
- Editor: neovim
- Browser: firefox
- File Manager: thunar
- Application Launcher: rofi
After cloning the repository, install the necessary dependencies to replicate by setup.
Arch Linux (and Arch-based distributions)
Assuming your AUR Helper is yay.
$ yay -S bspwm sxhkd rofi kitty picom-ibhagwan-git calcurse todotxt \
feh jq dunst betterlockscreen brightnessctl playerctl maim \
xclip imagemagick vala-panel-appmenu-common-git vala-panel-appmenu-xfce-git vala-panel-appmenu-valapanel-git \
vala-panel-appmenu-registrar-git libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk3 libdbusmenu-gtk2 appmenu-qt4 \
You will need to install a few fonts.(I can't upload all fonts, but it's in a Drive)
- Fonts: here
Config and Binaries
Please enable toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets on "about:config"
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/ && cp -r ./config/* $HOME/.config/
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/"yourprofile".default-relase/chrome/ && cp -r ./chrome/* $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/"yourprofile".default-relase/chrome/
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.rofi-themes/ && cp -r ./.rofi-themes/* $HOME/.rofi-themes/
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.xfce4-plugins/ && cp -r ./xfce-plugins/* $HOME/.xfce4-plugins/
Once finished copying the files, you might want to finalize the changes to your system.
# Reboot your system to aply vala-panel works
$ reboot
GTK Theme
You can find WhiteSur GTK theme here.
Icon Theme Suggested
You can install this icon theme that suits the GTK theme.
- Thanks to
Invite me a coffee :3
My YT channel UwU