This repositoriy contains the files and software used in the master's thesis project of Tristan Schwörer and Jonathan Eichild Schmidt in Robotics (MSc) at Aalborg University. The project were conducted during the spring semester of 2023.
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo systemctl stop docker.socket
sudo systemctl stop containerd
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/SDcard/docker/root
sudo mv /var/lib/docker /mnt/SDcard/docker/root
"runtimes": {
"nvidia": {
"path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
"runtimeArgs": []
"default-runtime": "nvidia",
"data-root": "/mnt/SDcard/docker/root"
docker --config /mnt/SDcard/master-thesis/ ps
echo export DOCKER_CONFIG=/mnt/SDcard/master-thesis/.docker > ~/.profile
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker info -f '{{ .DockerRootDir}}'
should return /mnt/SDcard/docker/root
git clone --recursive -j8 [email protected]:Tristan9497/master-thesis.git
The docker containers are build on an SDcard that is permanently mounted to /mnt/Sdcard/ to make it viable to deploy on a Jetson. For different paths the docker-compose.yml needs to be adjusted accordingly
Build the two images for the individual Docker containers using (takes hours):
cd /mnt/SDcard/master-thesis/jetson-containers
./scripts/ --distro humble --package ros_base --with-pytorch
cd ..
docker compose -f /realsense-ros2-docker/docker/docker-compose-nvidia.yml build
After build update the image id of the rostorch container in the docker-compose.yml file
To use the docker containers for this project the docker-compose.yml file contains the needed instructions and the containers can be run using:
cd /mnt/SDcard/master-thesis
docker compose up
docker exec -it master-thesis-rostorch-1 bash
cd docker-volume/ros_ws
colcon build
source install setup.bash
ros2 run multi_person_tracker multi_person_tracker
As the roject uses PoseNet from the jetson-inference package, it is important that the network is downloaded before use. This can be done using the tool provided by Nvidia jetson-inference/tools/ and downloading Pose-ResNet18-Body
The comparison used in this project runs in ROS melodic while the navigation stack is developed for ROS2 Humble. Therefore, a ros1_bridge is used with parameteres. These are found in ros2_ws. The script will source and load all necessary files before running the bridge but must be configured to the setup of the used machine.
in case of docker error like:
ERROR [internal] load metadata for
The docker image needs to be pulled manually using e.g.:
docker pull
this was happening when rebuilding the containers
in case of docker pull access denied on docker compose up
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker