Releases: Navoei/CustomDiscs
CustomDiscs 4.3
- Discs now load much faster.
Special thanks to the contributions of @Athar42 and @lowercasebtw !
Please report any bugs under the issues section. Enjoy your music!
CustomDiscs 4.2
The plugin has now been updated to 1.21.4.
Special thanks to the contributions of @Athar42 and @lowercasebtw !
Please report any bugs under the issues section. Enjoy your music!
CustomDiscs 4.1
The plugin has now been updated to 1.21.3!
Lots of new features have been added thanks to the contributions of @Athar42 and @lowercasebtw !
- Better command syntax.
- Find files more easily. Files will show in the tab completion list.
- Custom discs now almost perfectly emulate vanilla behavior [ #78 ].
Apologies for my absence over the past few months. I have been busy with college and have not had much time to dedicate to programming. Thanks to @Athar42 for maintaining this plugin through his fork.
Please report any bugs under the issues section. Enjoy your favorite music!
CustomDiscs 3.0
Updated the plugin to MC version 1.21.
- All discs must be converted to a new format which uses JukeboxPlayableComponent to hide the disc's original song. Discs can be converted simply by playing them in a jukebox, meaning players can still play their discs with no problems (yippie!). Discs are also automatically converted when inserted into a jukebox using a hopper.
- Discs created using the plugin's command will automatically use the new format.
Please report any bugs under the issues section. Enjoy your favorite music!
CustomDiscs 2.6.1
- Fixed an issue with discs randomly disappearing when going into hoppers.
CustomDiscs 2.6
- Propper 1.20.4 support ( #59 ).
- You can now customize the messages of the plugin using the lang.yml file.
- Fixed bugs with discs not going into hoppers when a chunk is loaded again. Report any bugs in the issues section.
CustomDiscs 2.5.1
- Fixed custom discs using the Relic disc from not playing.
There should not be any major bugs with this version, but report any bugs that you may find.
CustomDiscs 2.5
CustomDiscs 2.4.1
CustomDiscs 2.4
Updated the plugin to version 1.20.1.
This version may contain bugs. Report any under the issues page.