[Todo App] - https://nedobezhkinoleksandr.github.io/Todo_App/;
Project related to Todo task list, where you can plan your tasks, and if you complete them, to mark as completed;
Once you comes to this App, you will see input block, where you can write the task, what you are planning to do;
Once you write your task, press Enter, then you will see your task under input block, with 1 radio-button, name of your task and on hover - cross-button to delete your task;
On pressing radio-button, you will mark your task as 'completed', task's title will be crossed and blured;
Once you have at least 1 completed task, you will find new button 'Clear Completed' on the right-bottom corner of the App, and by pressing it you will delete ALL completed tasks;
You can see, on center-bottom of the app, tabs: All, Active, Completed. Every tab will show you tasks related to names of this tabs:
- Active = Not completed tasks;
- Completed = Completed tasks;
- All = Completed/not completed tasks;
On input block, you can see arrow, if you have at least 1 task. Which is manipulating with all of your tasks, if you press it, and you have at least 1 'completed' and 2 'not completed', it is making all your 'not completed' - 'completed', and if all of your tasks are 'completed' - 'not completed';
Have a counter, which is showing how many tasks left to do;
You will see animation(spinner) on each manipulation with your tasks;
Main technology in use is React-JS;
Components which in use:
- Header - to display and use input block;
- TodoItem - separate section for each of your task;
- TodoList - collecting all TodoItem components in one place together under input block;
- Footer - displaying task left to do, tabs and button 'Clear Completed';
- Loader - additional component to show main loader on uploading your tasks from server;
- LoadingContext - to use hook useContent;
API methods in folder api in todos.ts;
Types folder with required interfaces in Todo, displaying Errors and FilterType to filter my tasks as required;
And main file App.tsx where our project rendering;
Code's author:
Nedobezhkin Oleksandr;
Contact info:
tel: 00380730752256; e-mail: [email protected]; github page: https://github.com/NedobezhkinOleksandr.