FLGeocoder is an easy to use geocoder for iOS that can perform simple offline reverse geocoding as well as batch online reverse geocoding.
- iOS 11.0+
- Xcode 9.0+
FLGeocoder is available through Cocoapods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FLGeocoder'
In your project make sure you import the FLGeocoder module and CoreLocation:
import CoreLocation
import FLGeocoder
If you only need to find out which country a set of coordinates is in, you can perform an offline reverse geocode by doing the following:
var geocoder = FLGeocoder.shared
let testLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 39.825413, longitude: -104.985352) //Denver
if let countryName = geocoder.fetchCountryOfflineFor(location: testLocation, format: .Name){
//Handle results data
print("[Offline] Country Name: \(countryName)\n")
You can also specify the return format:
Name of the country eg; Australia
Country code return in the ISOA2 format eg; AU
Country code return in the ISOA3 format eg; AUS
If you need to reverse geocode a large number of coordinates you can simply do the following:
//Initialise FLGeocoder
var geocoder = FLGeocoder.shared
// Test Locations
let testLocation1 = CLLocation(latitude: 50.148746, longitude: 8.657227) //Frankfurt
let testLocation2 = CLLocation(latitude: 59.933000, longitude: 10.898438) //Oslo
let testLocation3 = CLLocation(latitude: 39.825413, longitude: -104.985352) //Denver
let testLocation4 = CLLocation(latitude: -20.107523, longitude: 28.630371) //Bulawayo
//Add To An Array
allLocations = [testLocation1, testLocation2, testLocation3, testLocation4]
//The interval between each geocode
geocoder.geocodeInterval = 0.5
geocoder.batchReverseGeocode(locations: allLocations) { (results, failed, errors) in
//Perform error handling & handle results data
print("\n[ONLINE] Batch Reverse Geocode Results:")
print("Sucessful: \(results.count)")
print("Errors: \(errors.count)")
print("Failed Locations: \(failed.count)\n")
for placemark in results{
print("City: \(placemark.locality ?? "N/A")")
print("Region: \(placemark.administrativeArea ?? "N/A")")
print("Country: \(placemark.country ?? "N/A")")
print("Country Code: \(placemark.isoCountryCode ?? "N/A") \n")
You can adjust the speed of the batch reverse geocoding by setting:
.geocodeInterval = 1.5
If you to do many requests too quickly you will get an error as Apple restrict the amount of requests you can perform. We recommend keeping this interval at least 1.0 seconds, but if your are only performing a small amount of reverse geocoding requests then you can reduce this.
You can also perform normal single reverse geocoding similar to apples own CLGeocoder:
//Initialise FLGeocoder
var geocoder = FLGeocoder.shared
let testLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 50.148746, longitude: 8.657227) //Frankfurt
geocoder.reverserGeocode(location: testLocation) { (result, error) in
//Perform error handling & handle results data
if let error = error{
print("Error Geocoding: \(error)")
guard let placemark = result else{
print("\n[ONLINE] Reverse Geocode Result:")
print("City: \(placemark.locality ?? "N/A")")
print("Region: \(placemark.administrativeArea ?? "N/A")")
print("Country: \(placemark.country ?? "N/A")")
print("Country Code: \(placemark.isoCountryCode ?? "N/A") \n")
You can also perform forward geocoding, just provide an address as a string:
//Initialise FLGeocoder
var geocoder = FLGeocoder.shared
//Address String
let address = "55 Oxford Street, London, United Kingdom"
geocoder.forwardGeocode(address: address) { (result, error) in
//Perform error handling & handle results data
if let error = error{
print("Error Geocoding: \(error)")
guard let placemark = result else{
print("\n[ONLINE] Forward Geocode Result:")
print("Coordinates Lat:\(placemark.location?.coordinate.latitude ?? 0.0) Lng:\(placemark.location?.coordinate.longitude ?? 0.0)")
print("City: \(placemark.locality ?? "N/A")")
print("Region: \(placemark.administrativeArea ?? "N/A")")
print("Country: \(placemark.country ?? "N/A")")
print("Country Code: \(placemark.isoCountryCode ?? "N/A") \n")