Raspberry Pi car parking sensor with server.
Images of our test setup can be seen here (http://imgur.com/a/VdfVp).
To setup server, see server/README.md.
To setup pi software, see pi/README.md.
To setup this software, you will need:
- Raspberry Pi
- Usb web Camera
- Computer to run as the server
- Power and internet connection to the Pi (wired or wireless)
- Keyboard and mouse for Pi setup
On the Pi, you will need to have the software for:
- Python Image Library (PIL): https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/images/installingPIL#linux
- PiCamera: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/picamera
Most Raspberry Pi's will also already have the following installed, however they are also required to run the Pi software:
- Python 2.7 (Python 3 is not supported)
The server must have:
Both of these are available on most web servers, or part of the open source XAMPP project, if running on a computer http://www.apachefriends.org/.