A simple fuzzy logic engine that mirrors GKRule and GKRuleSystem, but written in Swift, typed, and produces a less ambiguous state by introducing additional lightweight components.
The full list of components are:
: Objects the user defines for interpreting state and making assertions about facts.RuleSystem
: An object used for evaluating a set of rules.RuleEditor
: An object provided to rules for accessing state, making their assertions, or getting information from already asserted facts.RuleResult
: The final structure which allows you to query the fuzzy result for included facts and grades.
This replicates the majority of the rule/rule system introduced in GameplayKit, but omits the plist and serialization archiving because that's something I don't plan on using.
// 1
struct State {
var distance: Int
enum Fact {
case playerInSight
// 2
let closeToPlayerRule = Rule<State, Fact> { editor in
return editor.state.distance <= 50
} action: { editor in
editor.assert(.playerInSight, grade: 1.0)
let farFromPlayerRule = Rule<State, Fact> { editor in
return editor.state.distance > 50
} action: { editor in
editor.retract(.playerInSight, grade: 1.0)
// 3
let ruleSystem = RuleSystem<State, Fact>()
ruleSystem.add(rules: [closeToPlayerRule, farFromPlayerRule])
// 4
let state = State(distance: 20)
let result = ruleSystem.evaluate(state: state)
// 5
let grade = result.grade(for: .playerInSight)
- Define your State and Facts.
- State is what your rules use to determine Facts
- Facts are the output of the evaluation of the rules
- Define your rules using Rule.
- Create your rule system and add your rules. Only rules that understand the system's State and Facts are accepted into a system.
- Generate a state and provide it to the evaluation function to get a
- Interpret results by using
on the results.
A more complicated system might work to blend values for more unique and emergent results:
struct State {
var distance: Double
var maxSightDistance: Double
var charge: Double
var fullCharge: Double
enum Fact {
case playerNear
case laserChargePower
case shouldFire
let ruleSystem = RuleSystem<State, Fact>()
let closeToPlayerRule = Rule<State, Fact> { editor in
return editor.state.distance <= 50
} action: { editor in
// The closer, the higher the value
let isNearValue = Double(1.0 - editor.state.distance / editor.state.maxSightDistance)
editor.assert(.playerNear, grade: isNearValue)
let chargeLevel = Rule<State, Fact> { editor in
return true
} action: { editor in
// The more full, the higher
let isAlmostCharged = editor.state.charge / editor.state.fullCharge
editor.assert(.laserChargePower, grade: isAlmostCharged)
let shouldFireRule = Rule<State, Fact>(salience: 1) { editor in
return true
} action: { editor in
let partialResult = editor.makeResult()
// Note that minimum Grade is a logical AND in our fuzzy world, so we are asking:
// shouldFire = .playerNear AND .laserChargePower
let shouldFire = partialResult.minimumGrade(for: [
editor.assert(.shouldFire, grade: shouldFire)
ruleSystem.add(rules: [closeToPlayerRule, chargeLevel, shouldFireRule])
let state = State(
distance: 15,
maxSightDistance: 30,
charge: 60,
fullCharge: 100
let result = ruleSystem.evaluate(state: state)
let grade = result.grade(for: .shouldFire)