Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava
SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
🚀 Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer
Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube graphic component.
Parse Server for Node.js / Express
NeoNithin / parse-server
Forked from parse-community/parse-serverParse-compatible API server module for Node/Express
The Language-Integrated Quantum Operations (LIQUi|>) simulator
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
wall:splash is a free open source android client for the awesome service (Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos)
Response generator for the TRAI consultation paper
A memory leak detection library for Android.