This is the most complete Node.js books collection ever. There are more than twenty books here, most are written in English, and some are written in Chinese. Some are introduction books that can help you get the basic things about Node.js, such as Node.js开发指南
, Node.js in action
, Learning Node
. Some are pro books can lead you to Node.js deep things, such as 深入浅出Node.js
, Professional nodejs
, Pro Node.js for Developers
. No matter what kind developer you are, you can find book right for you. There are also some book links on Amazon, Douban and other sites.
For whole book list and details visit here.
If you are a new guy to JavaScript world, there are also some JavaScript books in Js-books
folder can help you.
The Essential Node.js Cheat Sheet. Node.js is a set of libraries for writing high-performance, scalable network programs in JavaScript. It has an asynchronous programming model for lightning-fast speeds, and it allows programs to run JavaScript on the server-side so that both client and server can run using the same language. Recently updated for v0.12, this Refcard covers architecture, installation, API guide, developer tools, and more.
This book is about the third major version of Express, the Node.js web framework - Express 3.
Express is recognized as one of the most preferred web frameworks for Node.js. Every day new developers from varied backgrounds and experience come to Express for developing their web apps. With its ever-growing popularity, it is about time we had a book on Express.
The book is both beginner-friendly and technically deep at the same time, and covers everything a developer requires to get into serious web development using Express.
Node.js in Action is an example-driven tutorial that starts at square one and guides you through all the features, techniques, and concepts you'll need to build production-quality Node applications. You'll start by learning how to set up your Node development environment, including loading the community-created extensions. Next, you'll run several simple demonstration programs where you'll learn the basics of a few common types of Node applications. Then you'll dive into asynchronous programming, a model Node leverages to lessen application bottlenecks.
国内 Node.js 步道者朴灵花费多年时间编写的高级 Node.js 图书, 2013年国内最火原创图书. 深入介绍了Node.js内部机制原理 异步IO, 事件循环, 模块系统, http等, 对Node.js主要部分都进行了深入的介绍和剖析, 是Node.js开发者绝对不能错过的 高级书籍.
- Special foreword by the creator of V8, Lars Bak.
- Examples with real-world web services like Twitter.
- Learn how to build a Turntable.FM style app with
- Teaches JavaScript best pratices that apply to all environments.
Node.js is a powerful and popular new framework for writing scalable network programs using JavaScript. This no nonsense book begins with an overview of Node.js and then quickly dives into the code, core concepts, and APIs. In-depth coverage pares down the essentials to cover debugging, unit testing, and flow control so that you can start building and testing your own modules right away.
If you already know JavaScript and are curious about the power of Node.js, then this is the ideal book for you.
A comprehensive Node.js tutorial for beginners: Learn how to build a full blown web application with server-side JavaScript.
This is a github repository book, provice and a short introduction to node.js and interactive way learning Node.js
For details you can visit Github Page
- Hands on Node.js
- Javascript and Node fundamentals
- Mastering Node.js
- Web Development with Node&Express
- Node-api-all
- 深入浅出 Node.js(info小书)--田永强(朴灵)
- Node.js 开发指南--郭家宝(BYvoid)
- Nodejs 中文文档--社区翻译0.2.3
- Smashing Node.js (有Goddy Zhao的中文翻译版)
- Node Cookbook
- Node.js In Action
- Build node application with mongodb and backbone
- Hypermedia apis with html5&node
- Jump start node js
- Node for front end developer
- Node up and running
- Node web development
- Node.js for php developers
- Nodejs-wiki-book
- Professional Node.js
- How to write nodejs module(ppt)
- Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB & Node.js
- CoffeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js
- Learning Node
- Node入门经典
- Node入门
- Node.js Recipes
- Pro Node.js for Developers
- Node 即学即用
- Node.js the Right Way
- expressjs-book
- Node.js for PHP Developers
- Using Node.js for UI Testing
- Felix's Node.js Beginners Guide
- JavaScript and Node FUNdamentals
- visionmedia masteringnode
- Node.js Manual & Documentation
- uvbook
In the PPT folder.
- Node.js road to 1.0 - Issac
- What make Node.js fast - Tim Caswell
- Node, Express and libsass: project from scratch workshop
- Modern Web tools with Node.js
- Heroku + Node.JS
- nodebook
- Github node book repositories
- free develop books--node
- 豆瓣读书-Node.js高级编程
- 豆瓣读书-Node.js
- Amazon Node.js books
- it-ebooks
- Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales
- 7 Free E-Books and Tutorials for Learning and Mastering Node.js
- mastering nodejs
- 10 Books for the Javascript and Node.js learner
- Express web application development
- Mixu's Node book
- The nodejs recipe
- Hands on nodejs
- Node security
- 5 Free Beginner Friendly Books for Learning Node.js
- Node: Up and Running
- Node.js the Right way
- Node.js 开发实战讲解
- Node.js 实战
- Node.js 实战
- Node.js 权威指南
- Collect more books
- Add simple intro to books
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