Fetches weather data from Swedish road weather station
Why buy your own when there is a open API :)
Tested on Rasbian Buster. Domoticz: Version: 2020.2 Python Version: 3.7.3
Reads weather station data from Trafikverket. The road stations does not have a barometer.
Not likley.
Create a folder "Trafikverket" in Domotics/Plugins and copy plugin.py there.
Restart Domoticz.
Add "Trafikverket API" in the Hardware tab.
Leave Trafikverket API as is.
Change Data Format to /v2/data.json
Change Road Station to the one closest to you.
Insert your personal API-Key that you got from: https://api.trafikinfo.trafikverket.se/Account/Register
Thrown together with no respect at all for Python3 or standards.
- Cleanup code
- Finish basic README
- Initial upload