Hardware implementation of the md5 hash function.
Completed. Does Work. Do. Not. Use. (Unless you know what you do.)
The hash function md5 is a broken hash function that shouldn't be used. But sometimes one needs the implementation of a broken hash function anyway...
Do use this to for example break things like password hashes. Do NOT use it to protect anything - password hashes for example.
The core is implemented in Verilog.
- Tool: Intel Quartus Prime 19.1
- Device: Cyclone V - 5CGXFC7C6U19C7
- ALMs: 673
- Regs: 1385
- Fmax: 85 MHz
- Tool: Xilinx Vivado
- Device: Artix-7 - xc7a200tsbv484-2
- LUT: 792
- Regs: 1328
- Fmax: 172 MHz