OVPM allows you to administrate an OpenVPN server on linux easily via command line and web interface.
With OVPM you can create and run an OpenVPN server, add/remove VPN users, generate client .ovpn files for your users etc.
This software is not stable yet. We recommend against using it for anything serious until, version 1.0 is released.
- OpenVPN management functionality
- User management functionality
- Network management functionality
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- API (REST and gRPC)
- Web User Interface (WebUI)
- Import/Export/Backup OVPM config
- Effortless client profile (.ovpn file) delivery over Web
- Monitoring and Quota functionality
Demo Here is a little demo of what it looks on terminal to init the server, create a vpn user and generate .ovpn file for the created user.
from RPM (CentOS/Fedora):
# Add YUM Repo
$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://cad.github.io/ovpm/rpm/ovpm.repo
# Install OVPM
$ sudo yum install ovpm
# Enable and start ovpmd service
$ systemctl start ovpmd
$ systemctl enable ovpmd
from DEB (Ubuntu/Debian):
This is tested only on Ubuntu >=16.04.3 LTS
# Add APT Repo
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://cad.github.io/ovpm/deb/ ovpm main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
$ sudo apt update
# Install OVPM
$ sudo apt install ovpm
# Enable and start ovpmd service
$ systemctl start ovpmd
$ systemctl enable ovpmd
from Source (go get):
Only dependency for ovpm is OpenVPN>=2.3.3.
$ go get -u github.com/cad/ovpm/...
# Make sure user nobody and group nogroup is available
# on the system
$ sudo useradd nobody
$ sudo groupadd nogroup
# Start ovpmd on a seperate terminal
$ sudo ovpmd
Now ovpmd should be running.
Create a vpn user and export vpn profile for the created user.
# We should init the server after fresh install
$ ovpm vpn init --hostname <vpn.example.com>
INFO[0004] ovpm server initialized
# Now, lets create a new vpn user
$ ovpm user create -u joe -p verySecretPassword
INFO[0000] user created: joe
# Finally export the vpn profile for, the created user, joe
$ ovpm user genconfig -u joe
INFO[0000] exported to joe.ovpn
OpenVPN profile for user joe is exported to joe.ovpn file. You can simply use this file with OpenVPN to connect to the vpn server from another computer.