nrs-pedmanager is a resource which manages the dynamic spawning and despawning of local peds. It handles the spawning and despawning of peds based on the players distance from the ped. It also handles the despawning of peds when the resource which spawned them is stopped. It also handles a number of common natives called on peds.
It is recomended to use this resource for more static peds (i.e. shops), rather then more dynamic peds. This is because the peds are despawned when the player is a certain distance away from the ped. This can cause issues with peds which are moving around the world.
nrs-pedmanger is used as an 'import' resource. This means that it is started by other resources which use it. To use nrs-pedmanager, you must add it to the resources which start it in the fxmanifest.lua file. You can do this by adding the following lines to the fxmanifest.lua
file of the resource which will be utilizing nrs-pedmanager.
shared_scripts {
-- Your files here
client_scripts {
-- Your files here
Then, in your resource files, you can start nrs-pedmanager by calling the following function.
and access the peds by thier name like
ped data has the following properties
- entityID: The entityID of the ped, nil if not spawned
- point: The ox_lib point associated with the ped, see
- remove: Function to remove the ped, will also remove the point.
You can also add peds directly to nrs-pedmanager by adding them to the Config.Peds table
Do not use DeleteEntity or DeletePed to remove peds, becuase they will just respawn the next time the player enters the spawn radius. Instead use the remove function on the ped data to remove the ped if it is spawned and prevent it from spawning again. If you later need to spawn the ped again, call the SetupPeds function again.
Use this teplate to create your peds
Config.Peds = {
['PedName'] = {
--Required Details
model = 'modelname',
coords = vector3(x, y, z),
-- Optional Details
-- heading = 0.0,
-- debug = true,
-- spawnRadius = 25,
-- invincible = false,
-- frozen = false,
-- blockEvents = false,
-- bScriptHostPed = false,
-- canBeTargetted = true,
-- animation
-- animDict = '',
-- animName = '',
-- OR
-- scenario
-- scenario = '',
-- playEnterAnim = true -- false by default, try if sencario wont play
-- ox_target
-- target = {
-- {
-- name = 'ox:option1',
-- event = 'ox_target:debug',
-- icon = 'fa-solid fa-road',
-- label = 'Option 1',
-- distance = 3
-- },
-- {
-- name = 'ox:option2',
-- event = 'ox_target:debug',
-- icon = 'fa-solid fa-road',
-- label = 'Option 2',
-- distance = 3
-- }
-- }
-- OR
-- qb-target
-- target = {
-- options = {
-- {
-- icon = 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
-- label = 'Option 1',
-- event = 'example'
-- },
-- {
-- icon = 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
-- label = 'Option 2',
-- event = 'example'
-- }
-- },
-- distance = 3
-- },
-- Anything else you need for the resource here, this wont be used by pedmanager
-- blip = {
-- label = 'BlipName',
-- sprite = 628,
-- color = 3
-- }