ParkingMapProject was a technical project asked to be done by .
The test was to record a parking traffic. For the purpose of extracting re-usable data.
I had to realise a PHP program in order to display: - The total slots number (Assumed available and occupied) - The number of entry/exit by hour
I naturally choose Symfony as a framework for his simple installation and set-up. With Symfony come Doctrine2 for entities relational mapping. I used Bootstrap(CSS)/Twig(HTML)/jQuery(JS) for the front-end part and HighChart.js for the chart displaying. Composer is used to manage packages for the Symfony app. Bower is used to manage dependencies for the front-end.
This project is service-oriented, it means I consider that the controller is here to return a view filled by variables, but nothing else. And all the logic and data handling is done by external-services to the controller and injected by the symfony3 container.
$ git clone
$ cd ParkingMapProject
$ make set-up
You should now be able to access the project by browsing "http://localhost:8000"