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A component to make product tours with motion and shadcn/ui.

Key parts

  • TourProvider: A context provider to make the tour available to the app.
  • TourAlertDialog: An alert dialog component to begin the tour or skip it.
  • useTour: A hook about the tour which provides necessary functions and states.

How to use?

  1. First install the packages and necessary components by running the following command:
pnpx shadcn add

It will add TourProvider, TourAlertDialog and useTour hook in your project under components/tour.tsx.

Additionally, a sets of step ids will get added under lib/tour-constants.ts.

Note: TOUR_STEPS is the name of the constant that contains the step ids. A step id should be assigned to a selector that is used to highlight the step. It will calculate its position in the viewport and show the step beside it.

  1. Next wrap your app with TourProvider in app/layout.tsx or somewhere else you wish.
import { TourProvider } from "@/components/tour";

export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  return <TourProvider>{children}</TourProvider>;
  1. Next use the setSteps from useTour hook to set the steps you want to highlight. And use the TourAlertDialog component to show the tour.
const steps: TourStep[] = [
    content: <div>Team Switcher</div>,
    position: "right",
    onClickWithinArea: () => { },
    content: <div>Writing Area</div>,
    position: "left",
    onClickWithinArea: () => { },
    content: <div>Ask AI</div>,
    selectorId: TOUR_STEP_IDS.ASK_AI,
    position: "bottom",
    onClickWithinArea: () => { },
    content: <div>Quicly access your favorite pages</div>,
    position: "right",
    onClickWithinArea: () => { },

function Page() {
  const { setSteps } = useTour();
  const [openTour, setOpenTour] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const timer = setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100);

    return () => clearTimeout(timer);
  }, [setSteps]);

  return <div>
    <TourAlertDialog open={openTour} onOpenChange={setOpenTour} />
  1. Remember to add the step ids to the selectors you want to highlight. Here is an example of how to do it:
<div id={TOUR_STEP_IDS.TEAM_SWITCHER}>Team Switcher</div>

API Reference


A context provider component that manages the tour state and functionality.


Prop Type Default Description
children React.ReactNode Required The child components to be wrapped by the provider
onComplete () => void undefined Callback function called when the tour is completed
className string undefined Additional CSS classes for the tour highlight border
isTourCompleted boolean false Initial state of tour completion


A hook that provides access to the tour context and functionality. Must be used within a TourProvider component.


All values provided by the tour context:

Value Type Description
currentStep number Current step index (-1 when tour is inactive)
totalSteps number Total number of steps in the tour
nextStep () => void Function to advance to the next step
previousStep () => void Function to go back to the previous step
endTour () => void Function to end the tour
isActive boolean Whether the tour is currently active
startTour () => void Function to start the tour
setSteps (steps: TourStep[]) => void Function to set tour steps
steps TourStep[] Array of tour step configurations
isTourCompleted boolean Whether the tour has been completed
setIsTourCompleted (completed: boolean) => void Function to set tour completion status


const { startTour, currentStep, nextStep } = useTour();


A dialog component that prompts users to start or skip the tour.


Prop Type Description
isOpen boolean Controls the visibility of the dialog
setIsOpen (isOpen: boolean) => void Callback to update the dialog's open state