- A web browser
- Python3 (optional)
This is a simple video wall that runs in a browser without the need for a web server.
The layout can be changed.
As browsers do not have access to the file system, the list of video files must be generated and saved in a playlist in JavaScript format.
The defautlt playlist is called playlist.js
, but this can be overridden with a GET parameter.
"use strict";
// STARTUP_DEFAULTS are optional in `playlist.js`.
// If given, they override the STARTUP_DEFAULTS defined in videowall.html.
BEGIN_AT: 0.01, // Time offset if you don’t want to start at the beginning of the video. Time offset is expressed as a fraction of the total time, i.e. from 0 to 1.
NB_VIDEOS_MAX: 6 ** 2, // Can take the value 2 or any perfect square number (1, 4, 9, 16,...).
NB_VIDEOS: 9, // Number of videos visible on startup. Same constraints as NB_VIDEOS_MAX.
TITLE: "TOP 100", // Overridde the default title.
var PLAYLIST = [
- Generate the playlist.js file that will contain the path to the videos. This can be done by hand or with the following python script:
python3 make_playlist.py
- Double click
to open it in your browser.
- ↑ Increase layout density.
- ↓ Decrease layout density.
- Shift+0..9 Change player layout.
- 0..9 Go to relative time for track under the mouse cursor.
- § Go to the end for track under cursor.
- Shift+Alt+→ Moves 100 tracks forward in the playlist.
- Alt+→ Moves 10 tracks forward in the playlist.
- Shift+→ Moves 1 track forward in the playlist.
- → Seek forward 5 seconds for track under the mouse cursor.
- Shift+Alt+→ Moves 100 tracks backward in the playlist.
- Alt+→ Moves 10 tracks backward in the playlist.
- Shift+→ Moves 1 track backward in the playlist.
- → Seek backward 5 seconds for track under the mouse cursor.
- y Moves 1 track backward in the playlist.
- x Moves 1 track forward in the playlist.
- s Shuffle the order of the playlist.
- i Open the track under the mouse cursor in another tab and copy the URL in the clipboard.
- Home Seek to the beginning of the video.
- End Seek to the last seconds of the video.
- j Seek backward 10 seconds in track under the mouse cursor.
- k Toggle play and pause in all players.
- l Seek forward 10 seconds in track under the mouse cursor.
- , Skip to the next frame.
- . Skip to the previous frame.
- m Mute / unmute the track under the mouse cursor.
- r Toggle video object fit mode between “cover” mode and “contain” mode for all videos.
- f Full screen the video under the mouse cursor.¹
- t Toggle thumbnail / video view.
- > Speed up the track playback rate.
- < Slow down the track playback rate.
- ? Open help file.
¹ If you’re using a Blink-based browser (Chrome, Opera, Brave...), use the f shortcut to switch to full screen because if you use the built-in full screen button, the other keyboard shortcuts will no longer work.
- Blink-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Brave...) work best.
- Safari, but the Developer tools need to be activated and the browser relaunched.
- Firefox, works but the videos may not play at start, you need to press k, ← or → .