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Tags: Nik-Accelya/serenity-core



Toggle v2.2.12's commit message
Release of 2.2.12

- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2166 from cliviu/master
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- fix typo in home.ftl


Toggle v2.2.11's commit message
Release of 2.2.11

- Added some convenience methods to make it easier to work with UI questions.
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2149 from ricardorlg-aval/master
- 🐛 FIX screenshot configuration on step methods
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2143 from serenity-bdd/deprecate-perform-ability-switch
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2135 from SiKing/feature/text_value_discrepancy
- this was a bad idea
- fix issue serenity-bdd#2134 ?


Toggle v2.2.10's commit message
Release of 2.2.10

- Fix for serenity-bdd#1477
- Added more logging for when the driver is unable to close correctly
- Possible fix for missing context tags in test results.
- Modification for testability
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2119 from onesubhadip/master
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2127 from renatomefi/fix/desiredcapatibilities-factory-deprecation
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2123 from cliviu/master
- fix for serenity-bdd#2122
- Stop using deprecated DesiredCapabilities in main
- fix for serenity-bdd#2121
- Update
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2120 from tomaszwojciechowski/master
- updated link to Inflector class documentation
- don't report Performable with IsHidden
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2118 from SiKing/feature/catch_non_public_constructor_in_task
- 'task' is already null by the time code gets here.


Toggle v2.2.9's commit message
Release of 2.2.9

- Refactoring
- Added the UIQuerySetps action class to make it easier to distinguish classes that act and classes that query
- Merge branch 'master' of
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2116 from SiKing/feature/catch_non_public_constructor_in_task
- throw a more friendly exeption
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2114 from ahuja-ankur/master
- Fix color coding for summary in single page html report
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2113 from ahuja-ankur/master
- Minor modification to support gmail report
- Reverting the previous commit
- Increasing the width to make gmail comptaible
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2112 from ahuja-ankur/master
- Resolve distortion for gmail in emailable report
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2104 from serenity-bdd/revert-2102-fix_requirements_not_displayed_when_using_env_tags
- Revert "fix: requirements not displayed on aggregate report when running with cucumber filter tags"
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2102 from ccharnkij/fix_requirements_not_displayed_when_using_env_tags
- fix: requirements not displayed on aggregate report when running with cucumber tags environment variable
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2096 from serenity-bdd/bugfix/applying-filter-changes-reference-to-requestspecification
- applying filter changed reference to RequestSpecification, no need to decorate as we do nothing with the decorates RequestSpecification
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'


Toggle v2.2.8's commit message
Release of 2.2.8

- Added the then() method on the Performable class, to allow chaining several performables together.
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2086 from serenity-bdd/feature/performable-that-maps-abilities-to-tasks
- a `switch(ability) { ... } else throw NoMatchingAbility` as Performable


Toggle v2.2.7's commit message
Release of 2.2.7

- Improved support for switching frames in scenarios with multiple actors
- Fixed an issue with Chrome when using actions


Toggle v2.2.6's commit message
Release of 2.2.6

- Revert "Simplified the PageObject API by removing some unnecessary generics" - they are still needed for backward compatibility
- Simplified the PageObject API by removing some unnecessary generics
- Fixed an issue with using JavaScript and wrapped Selenium WebElements
- Work-in-progress
- Fixed an issue with JavaScript execution
- Update


Toggle v2.2.5's commit message
Release of 2.2.5

- Improved error messaged related to errors in parsing the serenity.conf file
- Fixed a bug where screenshot configuration in the properties file was not honored for Screenplay tasks
- Added the OnStage.theActor() method, as a shorter version of theActorInTheSpotlight()
- Refactoring
- Refactoring and version updates
- Possible fix for serenity-bdd#2077
- Added `hasText()`, `hasValue()`, `hasSelectedValue()` and `hasSelectedVisibleText()` helper methods to make the Ensure class in Screenplay more convenient, e,g. ```         theActorInTheSpotlight().attemptsTo(                 Ensure.that(WikipediaArticle.HEADING).hasText(term)         ); ```


Toggle v2.2.4's commit message
Release of 2.2.4


Toggle v2.2.3's commit message
Release of 2.2.3

- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2067 from cliviu/master
- fix for serenity-bdd#2060
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2073 from asuruceanu/feature/fix-1841
- fix: replaced "environmentVariables.optionalProperty(...)" with "optionalEnvironmentVariable(...)
- Removed deprecated Selenium interfaces
- fix for serenity-bdd#2052
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2059 from ricardorlg-aval/patch-1
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2066 from cliviu/master
- fix for serenity-bdd#2053
- Test refactoring
- Fix a typo bug in ByTarget
- (Possibly) fixed serenity-bdd#2055
- Fixed serenity-bdd#1985
- Merge pull request serenity-bdd#2051 from cliviu/master
- improve performance of creation of proxy step library
- Update