- webapp url
- A file containing a list of webapp paths that need to be brute forced against the specified webapp url [Minimum paths: 1000]
Sample wordlist: Link - List of success status code: (default: [200])
Webapp url: https://www.github.com
Webapp paths: sample 5 lines out of 1000 of the input file wordlist.txt
- admin
- info
- .git/config
- .htaccess
- backup.zip
Success status codes: [200, 302]
npm install node-fetch
node app.js [url] [word file] [status code]
node app.js www.github.com file.txt 200 302
For a python implementation of this problem's solution (a more robust and faster solution because of multi-threading), head over to my repo : Python Webpath Bruteforcer