University of Waterloo
- Waterloo, Canada
- Pro
IMU + X(GNSS, 6DoF Odom) Loosely-Coupled Fusion Localization based on ESKF, IEKF, UKF(UKF/SPKF, JUKF, SVD-UKF) and MAP
Map handling framework for automated driving
An efficient and robust multisensor-aided inertial navigation system with online calibration that is capable of fusing IMU, camera, LiDAR, GPS/GNSS, and wheel sensors. Use cases: VINS/VIO, GPS-INS,…
(ITSC 2021) Optimising the selection of samples for robust lidar camera calibration. This package estimates the calibration parameters from camera to lidar frame.
The LiDAR segmenters library, for segmentation-based detection.
An ongoing implementation ros node on `fast segmentation of 3d point clouds: a paradigm`...
Code to use the KITTI (http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti) data set with PCL
Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO) using sensor_msgs/Lidar.
ROS / ROS 2 C++ Node for bi-directionally bridging messages between ROS and MQTT
IMU-Lidar Extrinsic Calibration Package
An speed and accuracy tradeoff method for LiDAR-based road boundary detection method in structured environments
Path planning implemented with behavior trees
Various implementations of the convex feasible set algorithm (CFS).
eecharlie / MatrixMath
Forked from codebndr/MatrixMathA GitHub repo for the MatrixMath Arduino library - http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/MatrixMath
The ROS warper for yolov8 with tensorrt acceleration, supporting WATonobus Perception. An Efficient Approach to Generate Safe Drivable Space by LiDAR-Camera-HDmap Fusion
Guides and scripts to setup Jetson for ROS, OpenCV and CUDA