- Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-on Python and R in Data Science
- Machine Learning With Big Data
- CS202: Data Mining and Analysis
- Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Python: Theano
- Deep Learning for Text and Sequence
- CS20: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research - Variable sharing and managing experiments, A1
- CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- Videos
- Progress: Word Vectors 1
- Deep Learning with TensorFlow, IBM Cognitive Class, ML0120EN
- fast.ai courses
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning, deeplearning.ai
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization, deeplearning.ai
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects, deeplearning.ai
- Convolution Neural Networks
- Sequence Model:
- Natural Language Processing: State of The Art, Current Trends and Challenges
- A Probabilistic Generative Grammar for Semantic Parsing
- Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Text
- Feature Selection as Causal Reference: Experiments with Text Classification
- DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification
- Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks
- Robo-Nanny: ConvNets for Intelligent Baby Monitoring
- Object detection with google tensorflow api
- Walmart model
- A Multi-task Learning Approach for Improving Product Title Compression with User Search Log Data
- Attribute Extraction from Product Titles in eCommerce, Ajinkya More, @WalmartLabs, 2016
- Multi-component Similarity Method for Web Product Duplicate Detection
- Character-Based Text Classification using Top Down Semantic Model for Sentence Representation
- Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
- Product Discovery From E-Commerce Listings via Deep Text Parsing
- Deep learning in production with Keras, Redis, Flask, and Apache
- A scalable Keras + deep learning REST API
- A unified of Multi-Label Performance Measures
- Incremental learning algorithms and applications
- Incremental and Encoding Formulations for Mixed Integer Programming
- Incremental Integer Linear Programming for Non-projective Dependency Parsing
- A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to Variable Branching in Branch-And-Bound
- Learning to Branch in Mixed Integer Programming
- Solving Mixed-Integer Programming Problems Using Piecewise Linearization Methods
- Mixed-Integer Models for Nonseparable Piecewise Linear Optimization: Unifying Framework and Extensions
- Mixed Integer Programming Model and Incremental Optimization for Delivery and Storage Planning Using Truck Terminals
- An Incremental Model for Combinatorial Maximization Problems
- Fast Incremental Method for Nonconvex Optimization
- Incremental Gradient, Subgradient, and Proximal Methods for Convex Optimization: A Survey, video
- Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Programming