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Interactive and asynchronous stdin console written in pure Python and asyncio with extension support Can be used together with any Python project that uses asyncio, especially servers and web-based apps. Only POSIX operating systems are supported, such as Linux, *BSD, Solaris etc. Windows support isn't coming soon.

Example usage

Simple quickstart that will bring on the working command prompt in asyncio environment:

import asyncio
from admin_console import AdminCommandExecutor, basic_command_set, colors

async def main():
    console = AdminCommandExecutor(use_config=False)  # do not load config.json in the current directory
    basic_command_set(console)  # exit, extlist, extload, extunload etc.
    # Custom prompt formatting
    console.promptheader = "Tutorial! "
    console.promptarrow = "->"
    console.prompt_format['bold'] = True
    console.prompt_format['fgcolor'] = colors.GREEN
    await console.load_extensions()  # will create an "extensions/" in the working directory
    await console.prompt_loop()  # blocks until > exit is invoked

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Note: create extdep.txt in the extensions folder to sequentally load modules
# Tutorial! -> 

Event handling

Example of how to handle command dispatching and how to cancel some commands

from admin_console import AdminCommand

# Add handler
async def handler(cmd: AdminCommand, executor: AdminCommandExecutor, *args):
    executor.print("Command executed! If this command's name contains bad, it is cancelled!")
    if 'bad' in
        return False  # cancel!


# Wait for the event
await console.cmdexec_event.wait_for_successful()
console.print("Some command is executed!")

# Wait until an event happens and then determine if this event passes
async with console.cmdexec_event.wait_and_handle() as handle:
    # success is True if this event is not cancelled, False otherwise
    # args is the list and kwargs is the dictionary of the arguments of an event
    success, args, kwargs = handle()
    if not success:
        # event is already cancelled
    elif args[0] = "bad" and kwargs["user"] = "hacker":
        # cancel an event

# Trigger an event and decide if it happened correctly
custom_event =['some_custom_event']  # collections.defaultdict creates a new instance if there is no such an element
async with custom_event.emit_and_handle("good", "argument", 123, before=True) as handle:
    # putting before=True to evaluate the code before handlers
    handle(True)  # make this event uncancellable, next time handle(False) call won't have an effect


Extensions are importable Python script files ( and they should be put in the extensions/ directory of the script. Each extension script should have async def extension_init(self) and async def extension_cleanup(self) async function definitions, where self is an instance of AdminCommandExtension. Example:

from admin_console import AdminCommandExtension

async def extension_init(self: AdminCommandExtension):
    self.msg("Welcome here! Registering commands...")
    async def my_command(cmd: AdminCommandExecutor, arg1: str, arg2: int, arg3: bool, arg4: float, arg5: str):
        # do it yourself
    async def my_command_tab(cmd: AdminCommandExecutor, *args, argl: str):
        _len = len(args)
        if argl:
            _len += 1
        if _len == 0:
            # arg1 is being tabbed, which is a single word
            return "foo", "bar", "lore", "bug"
        elif _len == 1:
            # arg2 is being tabbed, which is int
            # do not tabcomplete an integer...
        elif _len == 2:
            # it is possible to tabcomplete a boolean, which is just yes or no
            return "yes", "no"
    self.add_command(my_command, 'my-command', ((str, 'some word'), (int, 'your amount'), (bool, 'yes or no?'), (float, 'write precise PI here'), (None, 'long line...')), my_command_tab)
    # do LITERALLY anything at the extension load time, but be careful: it stops the other extensions from loading while this function is running

async def extension_cleanup(self: AdminCommandExtension):

Make a file at the extensions directory with the contents above. The extension should be .py, otherwise the script won't be imported. To tell the extension loader to load scripts in the specified order, make extdep.txt in the extensions/ directory and fill the file names (without .py) on each line.


Simple rendered reference is here:

Installation/Updating (from git)

pip install -U git+