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Full-featured KallistiOS SDK for Dreamcast homebrew development

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Docker KallistiOS - Dreamcast SDK

This image provides a full powered KallistiOS SDK for Developing Homebrew for the Sega Dreamcast. It has been build, so you don't have to compile/setup the KOS-Toolchain yourself & keep your system clean. If you have Docker installed on your system - it's like one command to compile your code using KOS!

Image Tags & Included Software

Based on Debian Jessie
Latest KallistiOS SDK + Ported Libraries
Based on nold360/kallistios-sdk:minimal
Latest mksdiso Toolkit for creating SD-ISOs, scrambling & more
mds4dc & cdi4dc for Image creation (source)
makeip for custom IP.BIN creation (taken from mksdiso)
Other Dreamcast-related tools: binhack32, burncdi, cdirip, isofix, makeip, scramble
Based on nold360/kallistios-sdk:latest
Latest DreamShell* Sourcecode & Toolchain
Patched GCC 5.2.0 & KOS-Toolchain
More Ported Libs (SDL, ...)

* I've forked Dreamshell, so I don't have to do so much patching in the Dockerfile. I made no modifications to DS itself!

I've also created a wrapper-script called "dcbuild" which handles some development tasks for you! Here is a quick video demonstation of dcbuild + this container here:

Using the image

If you have created your first KOS project and built a Makefile for it, you can compile your sourcecode like this:

$ docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/src nold360/kallistios-sdk make

The Volume -v $(pwd):/srcwill include your current working directory (aka your KOS-project directory) into the container. The make command at the end is default and can be changed as needed. (Like make dreamcast or whatever).

Installing dcbuild

You will find an additional shellscript called "dcbuild" in the Github of this container. Install the script inside the PATH of your HOST running this container:

$ sudo wget -O/usr/local/bin/dcbuild
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dcbuild

Using dcbuild

dcbuild is a wrapper for this container. It'll give you some nice possibillities like:

  • Building your Project
  • Creating .bin, .iso & .cdi
  • Creating (custom) IP.BIN
  • Get a bash-shell inside the container (for debugging)


Build Project (using Makefile):

~/myproject $> dcbuild make

Example Output:

######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: make
rm -f example1.elf romdisk.*
kos-cc  -c example1.c -o example1.o
kos-cc -o example1.elf example1.o

Create binary from elf:

~/myproject $> dcbuild bin example1.elf 

Example Output:

######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: sh-elf-objcopy -R .stack -O binary example1.elf main.bin

Create IP.BIN:

Note: IP.BIN can be customized by editing "ip.txt" & rerun "dcbuild ip"

 ~/myproject $> dcbuild ip

Example Output:

######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: cp /opt/mksdiso/src/makeip/ip.txt /opt/mksdiso/src/makeip/IP.TMPL /src
######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: makeip ip.txt IP.BIN
Setting CRC to B6D8 (was 0000)

Create CDI-Image

 ~/myproject $> dcbuild cdi

Example Output:

######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: scramble main.bin iso/1ST_READ.BIN
######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: genisoimage -V MY_GAME -G IP.BIN -joliet -rock -l -o mygame.iso iso
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 253
Total directory bytes: 0
Path table size(bytes): 10
Max brk space used 0
336 extents written (0 MB)
######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: cdi4dc mygame.iso mygame.iso.cdi -d
CDI4DC - 0.4b - Written by SiZiOUS

Image method............: Data/Data
Volume name.............: MY_GAME
Writing data pregap.....: OK
Writing datas track.....: [688128/688128] - 100%
                          338 block(s) written (27.16MB used)
Writing pregap tracks...: OK
Writing header track....: OK
Writing CDI header......: OK

Woohoo... All done OK!
You can burn it now (TO A CD-RW PLEASE AGAIN... BETA VERSION !!!)...

Cleanup Everything

Watch out: This will run "make clean" and delete all *.iso, *.cdi & IP.BIN-related files in your current directory. Also it deletes the "iso"-folder & main.bin (if existing).

 ~/myproject $> dcbuild clean

Example Output:

######### KallistiOS Environment ##########
# CMD: make clean
rm -f example1.elf example1.o romdisk.*
+ rm -rf iso/
+ rm -f '*.iso' '*.cdi' main.bin IP.BIN IP.TMPL ip.txt
+ set +x

Environment Variables

There are a few variables that can be customized by setting them inside your environment.


Name of the ISO/CDI created by dcbuild export ISO=my_game_name.iso"


Title of your game (will be used in ISO, not IP.BIN) export GAME_TITLE="MY_AWESOME_GAME"


You can run bash in your SDK Environemnt, too. This might help finding the problem. Also feel free to open issues on github $ docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/src nold360/kallistios-sdk bash


Full-featured KallistiOS SDK for Dreamcast homebrew development






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