Db design:
Categories -1---M-> Products Customers -1---M-> Orders Orders ---1---M-> OrderDetails Orders ---1---1-> Invoice
Products -1---M-> Transactions
Customers -1---M-> Transactions
ProductInventory ---1---1-> Product
Run dotnet build -tl
to build the solution.
To run the web application:
cd .\src\Web\
dotnet watch run
Navigate to https://localhost:5001. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
to scaffold new commands and queries.
Start in the .\src\Application\
Create a new command:
dotnet new ca-usecase --name CreateTodoList --feature-name TodoLists --usecase-type command --return-type int
Create a new query:
dotnet new ca-usecase -n GetTodos -fn TodoLists -ut query -rt TodosVm
The solution contains unit, integration, and functional tests.
To run the tests:
dotnet test