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\_| \__,_|_| |___/\___| \_| \_/\___| \_/\_/ \_____/\___|\__,_|_|\_\
This script is an attempt to parse leak files and send extracted credentials to a Redis channel.
usage: pnl [-h] -c CHANNEL [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-D] -d DIRECTORY [-w WORKER]
-e {noext,txt,zip} [{noext,txt,zip} ...]
Leak parser written in Python
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
Redis channel to write to
-H HOST, --host HOST Redis host to connect to
-P PORT, --port PORT Redis port to connect to
-D, --debug Launch the command in debug mode
Directory to analyze
-w WORKER, --worker WORKER
Number of workers to create
-e {noext,txt,zip} [{noext,txt,zip} ...], --extensions {noext,txt,zip} [{noext,txt,zip} ...]
File extensions to parse