ILGPU is a WPF library and a project template for creating and experimenting with GPGPU programming in C# with ILGPU
Above are some screenshots of the DebugRT example. A single file sphere ray tracer written with the assistance of ChatGPT
- Setup Visual Studio 2022, be sure to select the .net desktop development workload in the installer
- Fork this repo
- Open ILGPUView2.sln
- Open ExampleProject/Modes/Debug.cs
public class Debug : IRenderCallback
// this is called when the object is attatched to the MainWindow
// and allows you to create UI and respond to buttons, sliders,
// and other UI elements
public void CreateUI()
UIBuilder.AddLabel("Debug Renderer");
// this is called once per frame, and is where you run filter calls
public void OnRender(Device gpu)
// this executes the DebugFilter struct written below on the gpu.framebuffer object
// unused here, but called when the Debug render mode is selected
public void OnStart(Device gpu)
// unused here, but called when the Debug render mode is destroyed
public void OnStop()
// unused here, but sends the number keys to the render mode
// for quick mode switching
public void SetMode(int mode)
// unused old code needs to be deleted lol
public void SetOption(int option)
// this specifies an IImageFilter which just writes to a framebuffer object
// IImageFilter is only one of many filter types.
public struct DebugFilter : IImageFilter
// this works very much like a fragment shader call.
// x and y are the normalized uv coords for the texture being written
// tick is the framenumber
// framebuffer is the current framebuffer being written
public RGBA32 Apply(int tick, float x, float y, dImage framebuffer)
if ((int)(x * 10) % 2 == (int)(y * 10) % 2)
return new RGBA32((byte)(x * 255), 0, (byte)(y * 255), 255);
return new RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 255);
GOL | Renders a random Game of Life state and updates every frame
DebugRT | Ray tracing demo with reflections and TAA
Fractal | Mandelbrot and Julia Sets with WASD + QE controls!
Particle Sim | Simple Particle Simulation
Image Filters | Loads an image and applys one of 15 filters
Got an idea for improving ILGPU View 2.0? Great! Here are a few ways to get involved:
- Open an issue on GitHub to report a bug or suggest a feature
- Fork the repo and make changes yourself, then submit a pull request
- Spread the word about ILGPU View 2.0 to other developers who might be interested
I welcome all contributions and appreciate your help in making ILGPU View 2.0 even better!
ILGPU View 2.0 is an evolution of an old project (ILGPUView) that I had created with the intention of making something similar to shader toy.
The original goals where as follows:
- Be like shader toy.
- Be easy to program.
- Make experimenting easy.
This was a great starting point, but had a few blockers that made developing ILGPUView 1.0 kinda unfun. I don't want to spend time or effort making a text editor when I already have perfectly good editors like Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
You can see ILGPUView here. I am unsure if it even works anymore.
Instead I wanted to focus on ease of use for ILGPU View 2.0
The ILGPU View 2.0 goals:
- Be easy to program.
- Allow for concise programs.
- Make experimenting easy.
- Be easy to get started.