Tags: Nvyfie/mimikatz
[fix] mimikatz ts::logonpassword removed junk data after credentials
[fix] mimikatz ts::logonpasswords search routines for Web credentials… …, thank you Lawrence Abrams (@Bleeping)
[new] mimikatz ts::logonpasswords now tries to get credentials from W… …eb RDS (HTLM 5) connections
[fix] adding advapi32.lib to link against modern version of MSVC
[fix] adding advapi32.lib to link against modern version of MSVC
[enhancement] misc::spooler now supports transport authentication (SM… …B named pipe)
[new] mimikatz misc::efs to play with [MS-EFSR], inspired by @topotam … …work on PetitPotam
[new] mimikatz misc::shadowcopies (to display some properties without… … admin rights) [new] mimikatz mimispool module includes some functions for printnigtmare v3/v4 (must be recompiled after adjust) [internal] new ntdll.min.lib to call NtOpenDirectoryObject/NtQueryDirectoryObject
[new] mimikatz misc::printnightmare rewrited :) (more love inside) [fix gentilkiwi#359] internal busylight module (less memory leak ;)) - thank you @JohnLaTwC
[new] mimikatz misc::printnightmare will normalize UNC path for libra… …ry (\\ to \??\UNC\)