Different web app prototypes used to display data. Originally intended to work within the existing CMS.
This app demonstrates a way to browse the thousands of data series maintained by the ONS. Five main topics are shown, containing 50+ datasets. Selecting one of these displays a list of series, which can then be filtered to give a custom list of CDIDs (?). These can be used to access the specific time series data. Uses PHP and MySQL.
Summary app to display key inflation figures as well as compare them over time.
Multiple-choice quiz.
Example mobile app displaying key economic data. Existing data files are scraped and summarised before being displayed. Headlines figures, a chart of the recent trend and the actual data are displayed for six key areas: GDP, Balance of Payments, Labour Market, Retail Prices, Sales and National Debt. Uses PHP, MySQL and JQuery Mobile framework.
Sample display of time series data for key economic indicators. Gives links to the actual dataset, their unique CDID code and also charts the data.
These include: Sample Tridion template; Page to load ONS data, process the data and reformat it; and a list of links to the key economic dataset raw data files (CSV).