stobs is a software which gives you the possibility to reorganized your scanned pdf files. From a selected pdf file you choose the first back page and stobs reorganized all the pages for an eventually print
- make all : launch the make install
- make install : install glide and build the go program
- make build : generate the project binary
- make glide-install : install all project dependancies
- make glide-update : update all project dependancies
- make vendor : install all dependancies
- make deb : create the project .deb package
Package: stobs
Version: 1.0
Section: base
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: bash, pdftk
Maintainer: Ovya
Description: "reorganize your pdf in two-sided format"
- go build main.go
- cp stobs usr/bin/.
- cd ..
- su dpkg-deb --build stobs
- su dpkg -i stobs.deb
- select a pdf file
- display the file for checking (optional)
- select the first back page the total number of pages is indicate
- display the new two-sided file
- save the file _the file will be saved with extension recto_verso_ok.pdf in original folder file
- go get installation des dependances
- apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libgtksourceview2.0-dev you can follow instruction on the github project page at