This is a collection of my own personal notes about various topics. This collection is in no ways complete as I take most of my notes offline in a notebook. In here are just the things that are way to tedious to copy down on paper or for other various reasons.
- translate cybersecurity fully to english and update the file names
- digitalize handwritten notes
- use docusaurus to make the content publicly available as a website
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
- Abenteuer Informatik TUW
- Cypersecurity
Execute the following command at the root of the repo. This command auto converts the markdown files to PDFs on change.
find ./ -name '*.md'| entr ./ /_
To let a mermaid diagram show a Figure N: <Text>
/ ALT=<Text>
one has to use set the accDescr
For more information see the mermaid-cli docs.
accDescr: My description here