meanTorrent - A Private BitTorrent Tracker CMS based on meanjs/mean, and here is the DEMO Site
meanTorrent is A Private BitTorrent Tracker CMS with Multilingual support and a full-stack JavaScript open-source solution, which provides a solid starting point for MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications.
- Home page view
- Torrents list page view
- Torrent detail page view
- Upload page view
- Chat page view
- User status page view
- User score page view
- Invitation detail page view
- MessageBox page view
- Message replies list page view
- Forums list page view
- Forum topics list page view
- Forum topic replies list page view
- Torrents maker group page
- Movie collection list page
- Movie collection detail page
- VIP Donate payment page
- Multilingual support, now English & Chinese, please read the guide of how to add a complete translated language.
- When you want to upload a torrent, Only need to select a source torrent file, and input the movie ID origin TMDB, the movie detaill info will be autoload.
- One torrent can boundle many attrs tag, It's the keyword to search filtering.
- Torrent comment with full markdown style support.
- Oper/Admin can manager users(edit/delete etc), forbidden user(banned).
- OPer/Admin can manager torrents, can reviewed new torrents, set torrent sale type, set torrent recommend level, and delete torrent.
- Global sale set support, It provides convenience for site preferential sales setting.
- Client Black List support, user can not use the client list inside clientBlackList connect to the tracker server.
- When user to change profile picture, meanTorrent use ui-cropper to crop the image.
- The first sign up user auto be
role. - User signed ip / leeched ip all in db, admin can forbid user if user`s ip too many.
- Detailed user stats info, include account status, uploaded torrents list, seeding list, downloading list.
- Complete user score system, user can use score exchange an invitation to invite friend register join.
- Invitations manager, user can keep track of invited friends registration progress.
- Admin/Oper can manual management the user`s uploaded/downloaded/score data.
- Complete messageBox, include message list, read status, keys search, reply detail and markdown style support.
- Complete forum function, admin can configure each forum section and section moderators, the content support markdown style.
- Forum topics and replies can attach picture files and other type files, The picture file will be displayed automatically, Others file can only be downloaded.
- Forum replies support real edit, What you see is what you get (bootstrap-markdown), and drag & drop attach file upload.
- Complete thumbs-up system(thanks system), topic poster or torrent uploader will received score donate from clicker.
- IRC Announce support Node-irc, when user upload new torrent file, and oper/admin reviewed it, then announce the torrent info to IRC channel.
- Scrape torrents status from owner tracker server, design for
CMS mode, support HTTP/HTTPS/UDP tracker protocol. - Complete HnR(hit and run) system support.
- Oper/admin can send official invitation, but all the invitation has the expired time setting.
- Complete music torrents support, include CD and MTV sub type.
- Sports and variety type torrents support NOW!
- Software, game, picture, ebook type torrents support NOW!
- Admin can update or set users Vip attribute data manual in manage page.
- Admin or oper can set torrent 'VIP' attribute, all these torrents only VIP user can list and download.
- Complete torrents maker group support, Admin can create a group and set a founder, and the founder can add or remove member users.
- Complete movie collections support, Admin can create a collection and insert any movie into it, user can view collection and download all torrents of the collection.
- Sort on torrent Vote, seeders, leechers, finished data on torrent list table head clicked events.
- Simple vip donate payment function, support Paypal me, Alipay Qrcode and Weixin QRcode.
- meanTorrent can backup mongo database into to a .tar files automatic at midnight everyday, and Admin can manage or download these files.
- OrderBy torrent imdb vote or site vote in torrent list table header click.
- User downloading progress bar or seeding status bar (ngProgress) in torrent list and home page.
- User email verify and account active support, inactive account can not login and announce torrent data.
- User can set a signature info for forum.
- Auto get search movie/tvserial result from TMDB by keywords, user can select a result item to load resources info and upload.
- Admin can configure to hide all menu header for guest users, usefully for private tracker mode.
- Complete emoji support in markdown content, The images for the emoji can be found in the emoji-cheat-sheet.
- complete forum for vip and oper/admin users only, Special access forums not show to normal users.
- Users name list
- Oper/admin can kick(ban) user out of room
- Support chat message font style(Font color, Bold style, Italic style) setting online
- Banned user can not reconnect to chat server with an expires time(default one hour)
- User can not repetitive login from another location at one time
- Chat message bubble style
- RSS feeds support.
- Users follow(friend) support.
- Poll type topics support in forum.
- Emoji on chat room.
- View all files of torrent.
- Request system
- More score get methods.
- torrent more images from TMDB
- IRC chat
- Business cooperation support(like play box? NAS? etc.)
- ......more
- Post an issue
- Email to taobataoma
- Skype ID: taobataoma
- Join QQ Group: 291843550
Before you begin we recommend you read about the basic building blocks that assemble a meanTorrent application:
- MongoDB - Go through MongoDB Official Website and proceed to their Official Manual, which should help you understand NoSQL and MongoDB better.
- Express - The best way to understand express is through its Official Website, which has a Getting Started guide, as well as an ExpressJS guide for general express topics. You can also go through this StackOverflow Thread for more resources.
- AngularJS - Angular's Official Website is a great starting point. You can also use Thinkster Popular Guide, and Egghead Videos.
- Node.js - Start by going through Node.js Official Website and this StackOverflow Thread, which should get you going with the Node.js platform in no time.
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Git - Download & Install Git. OSX and Linux machines typically have this already installed.
- Node.js - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager. If you encounter any problems, you can also use this GitHub Gist to install Node.js.
- MongoDB - Download & Install MongoDB, and make sure it's running on the default port (27017).
- Bower - You're going to use the Bower Package Manager to manage your front-end packages. Make sure you've installed Node.js and npm first, then install bower globally using npm:
$ npm install -g bower
There are several ways you can get the meanTorrent boilerplate:
The recommended way to get meanTorrent is to use git to directly clone the meanTorrent repository:
$ git clone
This will clone the latest version of the meanTorrent repository to a meanTorrent folder.
Another way to use the MEAN.JS boilerplate is to download a zip copy from the master branch on GitHub. You can also do this using the wget
$ wget -O; unzip; rm
Don't forget to rename meanTorrent-master after your project name.
Once you've downloaded the boilerplate and installed all the prerequisites, you're just a few steps away from starting to develop your meanTorrent application.
The boilerplate comes pre-bundled with a package.json
and bower.json
files that contain the list of modules you need to start your application.
To install the dependencies, run this in the application folder from the command-line:
$ npm install
This command does a few things:
- First it will install the dependencies needed for the application to run.
- If you're running in a development environment, it will then also install development dependencies needed for testing and running your application.
- When the npm packages install process is over, npm will initiate a bower install command to install all the front-end modules needed for the application
- To update these packages later on, just run
npm update
If install process show error info below:
../node-icu-charset-detector.cpp:7:28: fatal error: unicode/ucsdet.h: No such file or directory
then run this command to install libicu manual
apt-get install libicu-dev
OR yum install libicu-devel
Run your application using npm:
$ npm start
Your application should run on port 3000 with the development environment configuration, so in your browser just go to http://localhost:3000
That's it! Your application should be running. To proceed with your development, check the other sections in this documentation. If you encounter any problems, try the Troubleshooting section.
Explore config/env/development.js
for development environment configuration options.
To run your application with production environment configuration:
$ npm run start:prod
Explore config/env/production.js
for production environment configuration options.
Application will start by default with secure configuration (SSL mode) turned on and listen on port 8443. To run your application in a secure manner you'll need to use OpenSSL and generate a set of self-signed certificates. Unix-based users can use the following command:
$ npm run generate-ssl-certs
Windows users can follow instructions found here. After you've generated the key and certificate, place them in the config/sslcerts folder.
Finally, execute prod task npm run start:prod
- enable/disable SSL mode in production environment change the
option inconfig/env/production.js
Before you to start the meanTorrent application, Please explore config/env/torrent.js
for many environment configuration options, you can change all configuration items of you Caring,
such as:
announce: {
url: '',
announcePrefix: '[].',
admin: '[email protected]',
baseUrl: '',
clientBlackListUrl: '/about/black',
privateTorrentCmsMode: true
meanTorrent tracker is private, please set the announce.url
to your server url, then when user to upload torrent file, It will autocheck the torrent announce url whether matching as announce.url
But, meanTorrent support public tracker torrents CMS mode with privateTorrentCmsMode
set to false
, in public
mode, user can upload and download public tracker torrent files, but these torrent files is can not
used by meanTorrent tracker server.
tmdbConfig: {
//please change it to your api key from
key: '7888f0042a366f63289ff571b68b7ce0',
Because meanTorrent autoload the movie info from TMDB, so please to register yourself key and replace it to tmdbConfig.key
language: [
{name: 'en', index: 0, class: 'flag-icon-gb', title: 'English'},
{name: 'zh', index: 1, class: 'flag-icon-cn', title: '中文'}
Multilingual support, if you add a new translate string file, please add configuration here. The name
is value of ISO_639-1,
The class is used origin flag-icon-css, you can find flag icon at /public/lib/flag-icon-css/flags/
clientBlackList: [
{name: 'Transmission/2.93'},
{name: 'Mozilla'},
{name: 'AppleWebKit'},
{name: 'Safari'},
{name: 'Chrome'}
This is a client Black List, all the list client can not connect to the tracker server, you can add more if you unlike some client to connect. And you can make a list page to tell users witch clients are unpopular.
sign: {
openSignup: true,
signUpActiveTokenExpires: 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24,
allowSocialSignin: true,
showMenuHeaderForGuest, true
invite: {
openInvite: true,
scoreExchange: 10000,
expires: 60 * 60 * 1000 * 24
If your site do not accept user free register, please set openSignup
to false
, then user only can register through friend invitation or system(admin/oper) invitation.
if you set openInvite
to true
, the normal user can invite friends to join, if false
only oper/admin can invite users.
All the sign up account need verify & active by mail, and must completed within the set time signUpActiveTokenExpires
is setting whether show menu header for guest user, if you do not want the menu header showing for guest, please set to false
ircAnnounce: {
enable: true,
debug: false,
server: '',
port: 16667,
nick: 'chdAnnounce',
userName: 'meanTorrent',
realName: 'IRC announce client',
channel: '#chdAnnounce',
showErrors: true,
autoRejoin: true,
autoConnect: true,
retryCount: 86400,
retryDelay: 5000,
encoding: 'UTF-8'
Now, IRC announce support Node-irc, this function can be used on rtorrent client, if match some words, the download client can add the torrent into download task list automatic.
app: {
showDemoWarningPopup: true
showDebugLog: true
sign: {
showDemoSignMessage: true
If you started meanTorrent at production
env, please set showDemoWarningPopup
and showDemoSignMessage
to false
, this will not show demo message any where.
and you can set showDebugLog
to false
, then the console.log
info is not output.
hitAndRun: {
condition: {
seedTime: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 7,
ratio: 1.5
forbiddenDownloadMinWarningNumber: 3,
scoreToRemoveWarning: 10000
meanTorrent support complete HnR(hit and run) system, if user download a HnR torrent, then must seeding days of contition.seedTime
the upload ratio more than contition.ratio
, otherwise, the user will get a HnR warning, if the warning numbers is more than forbiddenDownloadMinWarningNumber
then the user can not download any torrent. but can continue the warning torrent and seed it until the warning disappears,
and the user can remove a warning by score number of scoreToRemoveWarning
or donate a VIP qualifications.
backup: {
enable: true,
dir: './modules/backup/client/backup/'
meanTorrent can backup mongo database into to a .tar files automatic at midnight everyday, and Admin/Oper can manage or download these files.
if you want to disabled this feature, please set enable
to false
, dir
is the saved path.
meanTorrent need send mail to user when restore password, send invitations etc. before send these mail, you need change the mail options in file env/development.js
or env/production.js
meanTorrent used module nodemailer
, if you have any config question you can find at nodemailer.
mailer: {
from: process.env.MAILER_FROM || '[email protected]',
options: {
service: process.env.MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER || 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: process.env.MAILER_EMAIL_ID || '[email protected]',
pass: process.env.MAILER_PASSWORD || 'mailpassword'
- Copy a translate string original file from
to your want named file, such as 'trans-string-fr.js', and then translate all the strings. - Add new language configure item in
language: [
{name: 'en', index: 0, class: 'flag-icon-gb', title: 'English'},
{name: 'zh', index: 1, class: 'flag-icon-cn', title: '中文'},
{name: 'fr', index: 2, class: 'flag-icon-fr', title: 'Français'} // this is added new language configure
Note: the name
is value of ISO_639-1,
The class is used origin flag-icon-css,
you can find flag icon at /public/lib/flag-icon-css/flags/
- Copy and translate all the .md files in
, notice the naming rules of files please. - meanTorrent used richtext box of bootstrap-markdown, It has already translated some
language, you can find them at
, then inset into config file/config/assets/default.js
, such as:
'public/lib/bootstrap-markdown/locale/', // this is added new line
Note: If you can not find you wanted language file, you can copy and translate and config it.
- Restart meanTorrent.
By clicking the button below you can signup for Heroku and deploy a working copy of meanTorrent to the cloud without having to do the steps above.
To save the profile images to S3, simply set those environment variables:
S3_BUCKET: the name of the bucket where the images will be saved
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your S3 access key
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your S3 access key password