该仓库clone自原作者 Jcw87/c2-sans-fight ,并稍微做了一些魔改。
对战桥段取自于 知名独立游戏 Undertale(传说之下) 中,
此游戏为该情节的 Web端移植版。
主要玩法为 控制 ❤Heart 方向,躲避 Sans 的弹幕式的攻击(各种骨头障碍物以及龙骨炮)
PC 端使用 ↑↓←→方向键 控制 ❤Heart 移动,Z
/ Enter
- 确定, X
- 返回
建议下载 "游戏键盘" APP,自定义摇杆映射后进行游玩。
游戏采用 Construct 2 html5游戏开发引擎进行开发,
并且需要付费(个人版 99刀/年)才能编译输出html文件。
我已经编译好了 html 文件放在仓库里,
文件在 ./Build
This project is a clone of the sans fight from Undertale. It was made with Construct 2.
NOW AVAILABLE! Custom attacks guide
- Heart hitbox is probably not accurate.
- On the sans_platforms4 and sans_platforms4hard attacks, the platform is supposed to accelerate from 0 to its full speed, but I was lazy and started it at full speed immediately. This is only a problem if you try to dodge the bones without jumping.
- Sans dialog is missing. I may add something at some future date, but I have no intention of putting the original text in, as it really only makes sense in the context of the whole game.
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