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- Pro
ft_transcendence Public
A pong game with matchmaking and friends system. Yeaaah ma boiiiiii
Shell UpdatedDec 9, 2024 -
Inception Public
Imagine a VM, but inside another VM. Mindblowing isn't it ?
Dockerfile UpdatedNov 30, 2024 -
So-Long Public
The so_long project is a 2D game developed in C using the MiniLibX library. The objective of the game is for the player, represented by a character, to collect all items on the map and then escape …
C UpdatedMar 1, 2024 -
Philosopher Public
Philo is a multi-threaded program that simulates the dining philosophers problem. The program creates threads to represent philosophers sitting at a round table, where they alternate between eating…
C UpdatedDec 21, 2023 -
Pipex Public
The `pipex` project involves managing pipes in a program that replicates the functionality of shell commands.
C UpdatedDec 21, 2023 -
Push-Swap Public
The Push Swap project involves sorting a set of integers using two stacks and a set of instructions for manipulating them. The goal is to write a program in C named `push_swap` that calculates and …
C UpdatedDec 21, 2023 -
ft_printf Public
The ft_printf project is a C function that mimics the behavior of the standard printf function. It provides a flexible and extensible way to format and print output to the console, supporting vario…
C UpdatedDec 20, 2023 -
Get_Next_Line Public
Get_next_line is a C function designed to read a line from a file descriptor (fd) and read the next one at each calls of the function. Providing an efficient and convenient way to handle file input…
C UpdatedDec 20, 2023