MPLAB XC8 Compiler library for LCD modules based on HD44780U or compatible Controller
This library/driver helps interfacing Microchip PIC microcontroller with LCD modules with controller HD44780, using MPLAB XC8 compiler. The main files for the library are: lcd.h and lcd.c.
This library was tested with MPLAB XC8 version V2.40, three types of PIC microcontrollers are used: PIC16F877A, PIC18F46K22, and PIC18F46K42.
Circuit schematics for the three examples at:
- LCD(volatile unsigned char *_p, uint8_t rs, uint8_t en, uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7);
Example: LCD(&LATD, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- LCD_Begin(uint8_t cols, uint8_t lines);
Example: LCD_Begin(20, 4);
- LCD_Clear(void);
Example: LCD_Clear();
- LCD_Goto(uint8_t col, uint8_t row);
Example: LCD_Goto(7, 1);
- LCD_Display(bool __display);
Example: LCD_Display(true);
- LCD_CursorUnderline(bool __cursor);
Example: LCD_CursorUnderline(true);
- LCD_CursorBlink(bool __blink);
Example: LCD_CursorBlink(true);
- LCD_ReturnHome(void);
Example: LCD_ReturnHome();
- LCD_ShiftLeft(void);
Example: LCD_ShiftLeft();
- LCD_ShiftRight(void);
Example: LCD_ShiftRight();
- LCD_MoveCursorLeft(void);
Example: LCD_MoveCursorLeft();
- LCD_MoveCursorRight(void);
Example: LCD_MoveCursorRight();
- LCD_PutC(char c);
Example: LCD_PutC('A');
- LCD_PutS(char* _str);
Example: LCD_PutS("Hello, world!");