Beihang University
- Beijing
- https://okifuz.github.io/
A WebGPU implementation of Position Based MPM (PB-MPM), presented at SIGGRAPH 2024.
A didactic implementation and optimization of the Total Langrangian Material Point Method
A generative world for general-purpose robotics & embodied AI learning.
A fast isosurface extraction algorithm.
Mesh optimization library that makes meshes smaller and faster to render
Comparing traditional collision detection with an implementation using acceleration structures.
alexngng / CUDA-Learn-Note
Forked from DefTruth/CUDA-Learn-Notes🎉CUDA 笔记 / 高频面试题汇总 / C++笔记,个人笔记,更新随缘: sgemm、sgemv、warp reduce、block reduce、dot product、elementwise、softmax、layernorm、rmsnorm、hist etc.
A smooth contour destructible terrain library for Godot 💣
Unity asset for adding outlines to game objects
A static C++ library for the generation of discrete functions on a box-shaped domain. This is especially suited for the discretization of signed distance fields.
Blit Render Feature for Universal RP's Forward Renderer. Set specific source/destination via camera source, ID string or RenderTexture asset. Also options for _InverseView matrix and _CameraNormals…
A Toon Shader in Unity Universal Render Pipeline.
SGI(Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.) implement STL(C++ Standard Libirary).
Smith, Myers, Kaplan and Goodman-Strauss's aperiodic monotile, in a variety of formats
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/v-hacd
A differentiable Python implementation of the Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm for clipping polygons in 2D.
A Delaunay/Voronoi library for Unity, and a simple destruction effect
Tiny Polygon Partitioning and Triangulation Library
Martinez-Rueda polygon clipping algorithm, does boolean operation on polygons (multipolygons, polygons with holes etc): intersection, union, difference, xor
A simple script for fracturing polygons. Also adds nice helper functions for polygons like calculateArea, triangulate, getRandomPointsInPolygon, getBoundingRect)
Polygon Clipping and Offsetting - C++, C# and Delphi
General Polygon Clipper, aka GPC, version 2.33
A fully responsive progressive web app that I'm currently working on which will contain an about section, showcase, contact etc.
Open source code for the paper of Neural Sparse Voxel Fields.