This repo gets you going with RancherOS on OpenStack.
Packer is used with the qemu builder to create the image which can be imported to glance. It's expected all of these requirements are in place beforehand.
Rancher has removed the default username/password for what appears to be security reasons. rancher/os#1198 Until a better solution is in place we must set a password at boot by doing the following:
"qemuargs": [
["-m", "1024M"],
["-kernel", "/mnt/boot/vmlinuz"],
["-initrd", "/mnt/boot/initrd"],
["-append", "quiet rancher.autologin=tty1 rancher.autologin=ttyS0 rancher.password=rancher"]
Qemu requires -kernel -initrd when using -append. Update the paths for correct location of kernel and initrd.
packer build packer-rancher.json
Packer will create a qcow2 type image in output_rancher
dir. You can import it into glance:
glance image-create --name RancherOS \
--container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--file output_rancher/rancheros
We hard code an insecure key to our cloud_config.yml file so we can ssh into the instance. You should replace these keys before building image
ssh -i insecure_keys/id_rsa_rancheros rancher@{{ instance_ip }}
If a new version is released, you have to update the iso_checksum
. md5sum rancheros.iso
is your friend