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Omri Raz edited this page Jul 4, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Kiwi-Project-Samples wiki!

This wiki was written for the sample projects of the µLab Kiwi and Kiwi Lite.

What's A Kiwi?

µLab Kiwi

µLab Kiwi and Kiwi Lite are compact, powerful, smart solutions for learning about and developing FPGAs.
Both boards are plug and play and feature everything you need to get started with your first project including tutorials and software.

FPGA development can be challenging for beginners, in large part because it’s quite different than microcontroller development.
Our Kiwi board provides a clever solution.

It integrates an ESP32-S2-WROVER (ESP32), which is now commonly used amongst hobbyists, and is programmable through the well-known Arduino IDE.
This provides the unique ability to develop your projects with the familiar ESP32, then move on to the FPGA for the more complicated tasks. For example, creating a logic analyzer on an FPGA alone can be quite hard.
The ESP32 makes it much easier to process the data and display it.

The Kiwi boards are designed to help students, hobbyists, makers and professionals develop projects easily, with powerful tools that we believe every hardware developer needs on their desk.

µLab Kiwi features:

  • Altera MAX10 FPGA with 8K LEs (10M08SCU169C8G)
  • ESP32-S2-WROVER (Compatible with Arduino IDE)
  • Onboard USB Blaster (JTAG Programmer)
  • USB-UART Bridge for the ESP32-S2 (CP2104)
  • 50 MHz Clock Oscillator
  • 8x LEDs
  • 4x Slide Switches
  • 3x 7 Segment Displays
  • 2x Buttons
  • 1x 40 pin FPGA GPIO Header (Compatible with Terasic shields)
  • 1x 40 pin ESP32 GPIO Header
  • 4x GPIO (Between the FPGA and the ESP32) for internal communication (SPI / I2C / UART)
  • USB Type-C Connector
  • Board size: 8x5 CM

µLab Kiwi Lite

The Kiwi Lite is just as powerful as the Kiwi, without the ESP32 or other peripherals, but it comes with 3 additional PMOD connectors for more I/Os and external modules for easy development. It features:

  • Altera MAX10 FPGA with 8K LEs (10M08SCU169C8G)
  • Onboard USB Blaster (JTAG Programmer)
  • 50 MHz Clock Oscillator
  • 8x LEDs
  • 2x Buttons
  • 1x 40 pin FPGA GPIO Header (Compatible with Terasic shields)
  • 3x 12 pin PMOD connectors
  • Type-C USB Connector

µLab Project Generator

Both of our boards come with an open-source software, which generates the basic code and pin definitions for your projects. µLab Project Generator

Interested in the project? Want to know more?

You can follow us on Instagram and subscribe to the Kiwi's Pre-launch page on Crowd Supply.