Tags: OneJumpRD/community-skeleton
* **Misc. Updates:** * Compatibility with PHP 8. * Updated error pages design and added links. * Saved reply search option added with default focus on search bar to save clicks. * Added yellow background for note on ticket reply box. * Layout updates on ticket view for scroller and search dropdown. * Cache clear button added on dashboard so that user can clear cache of project without running command using CMD. * Ticket conversion issue during mailbox refresh command so now user will able to see error on CMD if any error. * Added route for dubugging ticket creation issue using email. * All Attachment remove from it's physical path as well if we delete any ticket or profile etc. * Ticket Transfer functionality added if removing a agent all tickets will assigned to another agent using workflow. * Added some default workflow and email templates for collaborators. * Updated "last update" filter on customer ticket listing. * **Bug Fixes:** * **Issue uvdesk#492:** agent password creation redirects to customer login page. * **Issue uvdesk#488:** Better managment of email fetching in case of errors. * **Issue uvdesk#485:** Crontab. * **Issue uvdesk#484:** No puedo enviar ni recibir correos * **Issue uvdesk#483:** Get laravel 8 Uvdesk * **Issue uvdesk#480:** Improve 404 page enhancement. * **Issue uvdesk#476:** Fix the default email template to customer when ticket is created. * **Issue uvdesk#475:** Error when downloading attachment from customer side * **Issue uvdesk#474:** Add an option to not rename attachments. * **Issue uvdesk#472:** Login Button backend shows no reaktion. * **Issue uvdesk#465:** Sort ticket by latest updated. * **Issue uvdesk#466:** Loading issue of Tickets which have more Text messages. * **Issue uvdesk#464:** Line breaks are not or not nicely displayed. * **Issue uvdesk#462:** Error Create Ticket. * **Issue uvdesk#461:** swiftmailer.yaml * **Issue uvdesk#459:** Disable cloudflare CDN for static contents. * **Issue uvdesk#457:** swift error. * **Issue uvdesk#455:** Move the HelpDesk string to the custom field. * **Issue uvdesk#454:** Can not install UVdesk after install of Composer 2.x. * **Issue uvdesk#452:** error deleting ticket permanently. * **Issue uvdesk#452:** User login error message not translated.
* 1.0.14 (2021-06-19) * **Misc. Updates:** * Web installer updates for making installtion process easier and smooth also added progess bar. - Extra checks for file permission https://prnt.sc/11ypcoo , https://prnt.sc/11ypvna - Progess Bar with web installer: https://prnt.sc/11ypg5c , https://prnt.sc/11yp43d * compatibility with composer 2. * Agent Activity section added under report section. https://prnt.sc/124brkr, https://prnt.sc/124bttl, https://prnt.sc/124bx1y * Announcement section added for uvdesk opensource. https://tinyurl.com/yf8zx2xy, https://prnt.sc/1239xpy * ZH_CN (Chinese) Translation file added into project. * Site_url will automatically update when saving the email setting. * **Bug Fixes:** * **Issue uvdesk#404:** UVdesk getting frequently logged out when clicking on links. * **Issue uvdesk#405:** Redirect users to login page after email validation * **Issue uvdesk#406:** Is there a way I could hid the menu links and dashboard links. * **Issue uvdesk#407:** Ticket forwarding option forward the entire thread. * **Issue uvdesk#408:** duplicate key on ../translation/messages.ar.yml file. * **Issue uvdesk#409:** Emails not retrieving. * **Issue uvdesk#411:** error when updating composer inside latest version. * **Issue uvdesk#412:** i have installed uvdesk open source and i have configured mailbox, email settings and swift mailer but the customer is not able to receive a mail when replied to a ticket ? * **Issue uvdesk#415:** remove debugger from the installation wizard.
* **Misc. Updates:** * **Last reply option added on ticket list to check when last time reply added on ticket.** * **reCAPTCHA setting option added on admin panel with profile section now admin can set recaptcha credentails on admin panel and can enable it.** * **Disabled old dates for datapicker in broadcast section.** * **Strong password added (for security purpose) for all places from where user create and update password.** * **Current version updated in dashboard in footer so that user have idea which version he is using currently.** * **Added some more option on admin/agent side when reply to a ticket i.e hyperlink, Spellcheck, adding a image by a external link, source code and differnt style formats option added into editor.** * **Iframe support in editor for adding Youtube link etc In article section(knowledgebase).** * **Fancy style added for Blockquote https://prnt.sc/xle8c4** * **New auto fixtures added for workflow so user don't need to add workflow for the same.** * **Added CC option for initial thread on ticket https://prnt.sc/1118g8e.** * **Added option for automatically label assign to ticket from workflow.** * **All latest version links updated for jquery, backbone and underscore js.** * **Time format added for customer panel on profile section.** * **Customer redirection after ticket create from customer panel - If customer is log in then will redirect to ticket listing if not then will redirect to knowledgebase.** * **Time format and time zone will automatically assign to customer and agent now which is set in admin side branding page.** * **Added New polish translation file(pl).** * **Bug Fixes:** * All controller code updates as according to symfony version(4.3) and maximum deprication messages removed from project. * Docker Fixes (FROM ubuntu:latest to FROM ubuntu:18.04 in Dockerfile) * Docker composer version updated. * Mail to customer in case of ticket status update mailing issue fixed. * Email regix updated for swiftmailer as from front end it is only allowing .com/.in etc not any other custom emails like .support * tr and it Translation files updates. * Branding custom css and js as duplicate issue resolved. * Issue with Locale in mail if ticket created using email was not correct and has been fixed now. * Groups and Teams Remove issue fixed for saved replies. * Collaborator ticket view issue on customer panel (not able to see tickets) resolved. * My tickets tab issue for agents as agent only see the ticket assigned to admin only not their own ticket assigned to him Resolved. * Email Receiving issue when assign a ticket to agent resolved. * Updated addPart for plain text in mail send function as in some cases email send was not working. * Translation update for reset password page. * Method change to getOneOrNullResult for mail to agent action. * Mail to CC and BCC users without ticket link as they are not really the customer and can not login into customer panel. * Forwording and Auto forwording emails conversion issue resolved. * Pagination issue on ticket listing on customer panel also for tag on admin panel resolved. * Mailbox ticket create issue if Email send on capitalize email Id. * Email trailing issue on ticket reply if agent and customer both reply on ticket using email id resolved. * Seachbar component on dashoard based on permission issue fixed now. * Deleting the trash ticket issue has been fixed. * Issue with prod mode when clearing the cache resovled. * Saved reply disapper issue for agent if agent update anything Issue has been fixed now. * Article and Category createdAt filter issue has been fixed now. * Disabled user account and when user try to login then correct message for account disablity. * Panel sidebar active status issue fixed.
* 1.0.12 (2020-07-27) * **Misc. Updates:** * Added Mailbox filtering in ticket list. Now tickets can be filter according with different Mailboxes. * Ticket type sorted alphabatically for ticket creation form and other places. * Translation file updates for different languages. * Updates in all dependent bundles. * **Bug Fixes:** * **Issue uvdesk#292:** Error during install: Table 'helpdesk.uv_support_role' doesn't exist. * **Issue uvdesk#290:** The cogs keep spinning!. * **Issue uvdesk#284:** Issues with Italian translations. * **Issue uvdesk#275:** need to add ar translation for the admin login page. * **Issue uvdesk#273:** duplicate key on ../translation/messages.ar.yml file. * **Issue uvdesk#269:** Failed to connect to DB if DB port other then 3306. * **Issue uvdesk#269:** Dockerfile obsolete. * **Issue uvdesk#267:** Variable "user_service" does not exist.