This is a repository that aims to realize basic functionality of UR5 robot.
Need to checkout universal_robot submodule to melodic-devel branch.
I have also created v1.0-stable branch from commit aade6801e7df66679b1fe9d162da0d03b4742dd4 to continue my development of mmdetection.
Under perception folder, we provide the implementation that, given depth images and object models, outputs 6D pose for these objects presented. Its implementation is adapted from cocoAPI, mmdetection, and DenseFusion repositories. Please the README under perception folder.
Since I've written
source ~/sucheng/Robotics/devel/setup.bash
into ~/.bashrc, we don't need to source it in each new terminal.
In current stage, we will need the function of debug in most of times, so we use multiple terminals to see each launch file's warning or error.
1 roscore
2 roslaunch ur_perception camera_setup.launch
3 roslaunch ur_perception ur5_robotiq_bringup.launch
4 roslaunch ur_perception start_scene_poses.launch
5 rosrun ur_perception move_group_ur5
Understand the whole story from scratch.
Fix the index bug in DenseFusion on external images.
Get the relative transfrom from tool0 (the machine gripper, need further calibration) to each given object.
Use moveit to let UR5 touch the object.
Add the model and URDF of the gripper.
- Use pddlStream as the high-level planning method to plan each motion.