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Let's all work together on a 3d scanner benchmark for desktop 3d scanners


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OpenScan Benchy - Let's all work together on a 3d scanner benchmark for desktop 3d scanners

The Model


The original model was created by Valandar and can be downloaded from Thingiverse

We slightly modified this model by adding some text to the base. Get the modified version on

Close-up: IMG_6854

Parameter Value
Bounding Box 49.4 x 36.6 x 45 mm
Volume 8.65 cm3
Surface 66.49 cm2
Material Dark Gray Resin

We choose this model and fabrication method, as it represents a challenging real world use case for many scanners. The model has features at different scales, so that even high-end scanners should have a challenge ;) The 3d printing process creates tiny artifacts (layer lines, support residue..), which should be visible on better scanning results.

How to participate

Get your printed 3d figurine

We provide printed models and offer free worldwide shipping. Just drop us a mail to [email protected] or support the project by ordering your Benchy for 5€ (incl. worldwide shipping) through our website

Create and share your 3d scan

  • create a unmodified .stl file and share the link on GitHub or mail to [email protected]
  • note, that by sharing the .stl file, you agree, that the file becomes part of this repository with the specified licence (GNU)
  • specify your scanning setup and procedure
  • if you want, add your (company) details, links, etc. if you want to be mentioned as the source

Info and Transparency

This initiative was started by OpenScan but the content shown here comes from the community! We aim to create an easy to understand comparison of raw scan results from different 3d scanners. Instead of using pure, hard-to-verify numbers, we choose this little object which is generally challenging on different levels. This comparison is far from scientific, but we hope, that gathering data is a first step for a better overview and undstanding.

We highly encourage other 3D scanner manufacturers to participate to create a neutral comparison. Feel free to reach out at any time to mail to [email protected].


Limitation/Issue Reasoning possible solution
The 45mm resin print only represents a small spectrum of what most scanners are capable this small object is easy and relatively cheap to produce and distribute create other standardized objects for different size ranges
resin prints are not all perfectly equal this creates common features which are hard to fake/alter, thus it shows the true capability of a scanner (e.g. are layer lines visible ...)
the dark, partly glossy material might require some object preparation, which might alter the scanning result intentional, as this is a good representation of a real-world challenging object
the scan result is highly influenced by the user add more scan results from the same scanner from different users
this comparison does not show the time and effort put into the individual scan True! but we need to start somewhere better documentation, maybe some standard protocol?

The results sorted by price (left to right, top to bottom)


The results - some more details

Scanner Price* rec. object size accuracy** resolution** Link to Scanner Result & Details scanned by
CT Scanner unknown <30cm unknown unknown unknown Printables Anon
OpenScan Mini 340€ <9cm Printables OpenScan_Tho
Creality CR-Scan Ferret 430€ 5-200cm 0.1mm 0.16mm Printables Ben
OpenScan Mini with Hawkeye 390€ <9cm Printables OpenScan_Tho
Revopoint Pop 2 450€ 2-200cm 0.05mm ? Printables Nodge
OpenScan Classic with Daheng 6mpx 500€ <18cm n.a. n.a. Printables OpenScan_Tho
Revopoint Mini 550€ >1cm 0.02mm discontinued Printables(1) Printables(2) (1)Spherox (2)AdamB
Revopoint Pop 3 ~650€ 2-250cm 0.05mm 0.05mm Printables MassisMakes
Revopoint Range 650€ >5cm discontinued Printables Sheeter
3DMakerPro Moose 660€ >15mm 0.03mm 0.07mm Printables Anon
Creality Otter 750€ >10mm 0.02mm 0.05mm Printables OpenScan_Tho
Revopoint Range 2 ~750€ >5cm 0.1mm Printables RhiffSta
iPhone 15ProMax + Polycam 1000€ Printables OpenScan_Tho
iPhone 15ProMax + LIDAR (Polycam) 1000€ n.a. n.a. n.a. Printables OpenScan_Tho
iPhone 15ProMax + Luma AI 1000€ n.a. n.a. n.a. Printables OpenScan_Tho
OpenScan Classic with Daheng 21mpx 1000€ <18cm n.a. n.a. Printables OpenScan_Tho
Revopoint MetroX 1100€ >10cm 0.01mm 0.05mm Printables(1) Printables(2) (1)AdamB (2)Anon
CR-Scan Raptor 1100€ 0.5-100cm 0.02mm 0.02mm Printables(1) Printables(2) (1)CNCKitchen (2)RhiffSta
Revopoint Miraco Plus 1900€ >10mm 0.04mm Printables KrownCAD
David SLS + Flexscan ~2000€ 3-50cm discontinued Printables Sheeter
MatterAndFormThree 2700€ <2m 0.033mm 0.037mm Printables Jordan Cain
EinScan H 5000€ 0.3-4m 0.05mm 0.25mm Printables RhiffSta
Artec Micro II 22000€ 0.005mm 0.04mm Printables Caleb
Artec Micro 24000€ 0.01mm 0.029mm discontinued Printables RibuoliDigital
Artec Space Spider 25000€ 0.05mm 0.1mm discontinued Printables Caleb
Artec Leo 35000€ >20cm !! 0.1mm 0.2mm Printables Caleb
Keyence VL570 >75.000€ <30cm 0.01mm Printables
HEXAGON absolute 85 professional >80.000€ Printables nodge

*The price varies by region.

** Claimed accuracy/resolution from the manufacturers homepages.

CT Scanner overlay_99999 CT-Scanner by Anon_01 overlay_99999 CT-Scanner by Anon_02
OpenScan Mini overlay_00340 OpenScan Mini + OpenScanCloud_01 overlay_00340 OpenScan Mini + OpenScanCloud_02
Creality CR-Scan Ferret overlay_00350 Creality Ferret by Ben_01 overlay_00350 Creality Ferret by Ben_02
OpenScan Mini with Hawkeye overlay_00390 OpenScan Mini + 64mpx + OpenScanCloud_01 overlay_00390 OpenScan Mini + 64mpx + OpenScanCloud_02
Revopoint Pop 2 overlay_00450 Revopoint Pop 2 by Nodge_01 overlay_00450 Revopoint Pop 2 by Nodge_02
OpenScan Classic with Daheng 6mpx overlay_00500 OpenScan Classic + Daheng 6mpx_01 overlay_00500 OpenScan Classic + Daheng 6mpx_02
Revopoint Mini overlay_00560 Revopoint Mini by AdamB_01 overlay_00560 Revopoint Mini by Spherox_01 overlay_00560 Revopoint Mini by AdamB_02 overlay_00560 Revopoint Mini by Spherox_02
Revopoint Pop 3 overlay_00650 Revopoint Pop3 by MassisMakes_01 overlay_00650 Revopoint Pop3 by MassisMakes_02
Revopoint Range overlay_00670 Revopoint Range by Sheeter_01 overlay_00670 Revopoint Range by Sheeter_02
3DMakerPro Moose overlay_00660 3DMakerPro Moose by Anon_01 overlay_00660 3DMakerPro Moose by Anon_02
Creality Otter overlay_00750 Creality Otter by OpenScan_01 overlay_00750 Creality Otter by OpenScan_02
Revopoint Range 2 overlay_00750 Revopoint Range 2 by RhiffSta_01 overlay_00750 Revopoint Range 2 by RhiffSta_02
iPhone 15ProMax + Polycam overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + Polycam_01 overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + Polycam_02
iPhone 15ProMax + LIDAR (Polycam) overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + LIDAR_01 overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + LIDAR_02
iPhone 15ProMax + Luma AI overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + OpenScanCloud_01 overlay_01000 IPhone15 Pro Max + OpenScanCloud_02
OpenScan Classic with Daheng 21mpx overlay_01000 OpenScan Classic + Daheng 21mpx_01 overlay_01000 OpenScan Classic + Daheng 21mpx_02
Revopoint MetroX overlay_01120 Revopoint MetroX by AdamB_01 overlay_01120 Revopoint MetroX by Anon_01 overlay_01120 Revopoint MetroX by AdamB_02 overlay_01120 Revopoint MetroX by Anon_02
Creality Raptor overlay_01100 Creality Raptor by CNCkitchen_01 overlay_01100 Creality Raptor by RhiffSta_01 overlay_01100 Creality Raptor by CNCkitchen_02 overlay_01100 Creality Raptor by RhiffSta_02
Revopoint Miraco Plus overlay_01900 Revopoint Miraco Plus by KrownCAD_01 overlay_01900 Revopoint Miraco Plus by KrownCAD_02
David SLS + Flexscan overlay_02000 David SLS with Flexscan by Sheeter_01 overlay_02000 David SLS with Flexscan by Sheeter_02
MatterAndFormThree overlay_02700 MatterAndForm THREE by Jordan McCain_01 overlay_02700 MatterAndForm THREE by Jordan McCain_02
EinScan H overlay_04500 Einscan H by RhiffSta_01 overlay_04500 Einscan H by RhiffSta_02
Artec Micro II overlay_22000 Artec Micro II by Caleb_01 overlay_22000 Artec Micro II by Caleb_02
Artec Micro overlay_24000 Artec Micro by RibuoliDigital com_01 overlay_24000 Artec Micro by RibuoliDigital com_02
Artec Space Spider overlay_25000 Artec Space Spider by Caleb_01 overlay_25000 Artec Space Spider by Caleb_02
Artec Leo overlay_35000 Artec Leo by Caleb_01 overlay_35000 Artec Leo by Caleb_02
Keyence VL570 overlay_75000 Keyence VL570 by EANT_01 overlay_75000 Keyence VL570 by EANT_02
HEXAGON absolute 85 overlay_80000 HEXAGON Absolute 85 by nodge_01 overlay_80000 HEXAGON Absolute 85 by nodge_02


Let's all work together on a 3d scanner benchmark for desktop 3d scanners







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