Advanced users will not need my instructions, nor syzygy. The option that follows should work for everyone.
- Go to, log in with your UTorID, and start the server.
- Near the top-right-hand corner of the home menu, hit the drop-down menu "New", and click on Terminal.
- Clone the repo of my chapters by typing
git clone
in the Terminal and hit return. This should create a new directory called Chapters-2020
, containing the chapters of my lecture notes.
At the beginning of the term, the chapters will be the same as last year. As the term progresses, I will of course modify them, correct typos, etc. You will want to refresh the contents periodically, before and after each lecture.
- To get the latest updates, repeat steps 1-2 above.
- In the Terminal, change directory to go to the repository by typing:
cd Chapters-2020
and hit return.
- If you just want to play around with the notes a little in-between two updates but want your repository to closely match what I have on GitHub, enter the command
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
in the Terminal, where you left at the end of step 5, whenever you want to re-align your notes with mine.
- If you want to be more fancy, modify the notebooks significantly and keep your modifications while keeping up-to-date with my content, I suggest you create your own "fork" and work on it. You can then sync your fork with my repository by following these instructions:
- Repeat steps 1-3 above.
- Repeat step 6 or 7 above, probably.
- You can navigate to the Jupyter file, using the graphical interface of the home menu of syzygy. You are looking for a
Please let me know if this procedure does not work! I do not have guinea pigs to test it on.