InverseProblems is a
- educational Inverse Problem or Numerical Method library. The goal is to provide students with a light-weighted code to explore these areas and interactive lectures with amazing Jupyter Notebook.
- benchmark repository originally designed to test unscented Kalman inversion and other derivative-free inverse methods. The goal is to provide reseachers with access to various inverse problems, while enabling researchers to quickly and easily develop and test novel inverse methods.
- All the inverse methods are in Inversion folder
- Each other folder contains one category of inverse problems
Let's start! (
- Overview
- What are inverse problems, why are they important?
- Bayesian inversion, Bayesian inference, and Bayesian calibration
- Probability density function space
- Probabilistic approaches
- Invariant and ergodic measures
- Langevin dynamics
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
- Interacting particle methods
- Variational inference
- Coupling ideas
- When is posterior distribution close to Gaussian
- All models are wrong
- Invariant and ergodic measures
- Examples
Linear inverse problems
Chaotic systems
Structure mechanics problems
- Damage detection of a "bridge"
- Consitutive modeling of a multiscale fiber-reinforced plate
Fluid mechanics problems
Fluid structure interaction problems
Climate modeling
- Barotropic climate model
- Idealized general circulation model (Held-Suarez benchmark)
Other posterior distribution estimations
You are welcome to submit an issue for any questions related to InverseProblems.
Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Tapio Schneider, and Andrew M. Stuart. "Iterated Kalman Methodology For Inverse Problems / Unscented Kalman Inversion."
Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, Sebastian Reich, and Andrew M. Stuart. "Efficient Derivative-free Bayesian Inference for Large-Scale Inverse Problems."
Shunxiang Cao, Daniel Zhengyu Huang. "Bayesian Calibration for Large-Scale Fluid Structure Interaction Problems Under Embedded/Immersed Boundary Framework."
Yifan Chen, Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, Sebastian Reich, and Andrew M. Stuart. "Gradient Flows for Sampling: Mean-Field Models, Gaussian Approximations and Affine Invariance."
Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, and Zhengjiang Lin. "Convergence Analysis of Probability Flow ODE for Score-based Generative Models."
Yifan Chen, Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, Sebastian Reich, and Andrew M. Stuart. "Efficient, Multimodal, and Derivative-Free Bayesian Inference With Fisher-Rao Gradient Flows."