Steps 1 - Install Node Js on Ubuntu Machine
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
nodejs -v // To check the node JS version
Step 2 - Download the Publish Over SSH plugins Key -- define the private Key ( you will get from .pem while when you will open as text file)
ssh Server -
Name - define the name of the server. HostName - Provide the IP address of your server. UserName - Provide the user name here ex. if we are using Ubuntu ec2 instance then username is ubuntu
Click Save and Apply
Step 3 - Create the Free Style Node JS project . Git URL -
WebHook Connection URL - http://IPADDRESS/github-webhook/ (push)
BUILD - npm install // to download all the dependecines - npm test // to perform test case execution
tar czf Node.tar.gz node_modules index.js package.json public app.json
Step 4 - Post Build Action Define below details.
Source file : **/*.gz
Exec Command
mv ./home/ubuntu/one/node-js-sample/Node.tar.gz /home/ubuntu/test/Node.tar.gz; cd /home/ubuntu/test/ tar -xf Node.tar.gz ; docker rmi nodeimage; docker stop nodecontainer; docker rm nodecontainer; docker build -t nodeimage .; docker run -d --name nodecontainer -p 5001:5000 nodeimage;
Step 5 - Docker File in Node Js server FROM node:latest
MAINTAINER Abhishek Modi
RUN echo "Tryin to build my first application"
COPY . /var/www
WORKDIR /var/www
RUN npm install
ENTRYPOINT ["npm","start"]