################Please follow below steps to complete my assignment.############## ############
- clone any flask sample repo.
### 2 .Activate the environment
```. venv/bin/activate```
```source venv/bin/activate```
### 3 .Install the requirements
Applies for windows/macOS/Linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
### 5. Run the application
`python app.py`
# OR
## Create a new application from scratch
### 1. Create a directory with a name **"Flask-Docker-App"**
`mkdir Flask-Docker-App`
### 2. Navigate to the newly created directory
`cd Flask-Docker-App`
### 3. Create a virtual environment
`python3 -m venv venv`
### 4. Activate the environment
```. venv/bin/activate```
```source venv/bin/activate```
### 3 .Install Flask
`pip install Flask`
### 4. Create the required files
Create two files; **app.py** and **Dockerfile**
`touch app.py Dockerfile`
###Thanks you From POOJA
###########screenshot of an flask application running in docker container and opening in browser####
Once I build the docker image using below command
#docker build --tag flask-py-docker-2 .
this has created my images in my local ..please see below.
#flask-py-docker-2 latest a8fdbfef3095 23 hours ago 906MB
Once I ran the docker run with above image on particular port it got started in my local.
##docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flask-py-docker-2
and my simple hello world website is up and running. see png attachment
<img width="716" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98540570/158225548-a8f1933c-92a3-479e-9c5a-4602324fb2ec.png">
Once it website is published we have to tag the docker image and push it to the ECR, using below commands.
docker tag flask-py-docker-2 527805459418.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/flask-v1:latest
push command
docker push 527805459418.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/flask-v1:latest
this will push the docker image to ECR.
Thanks YOu.
Looking forward to hear.