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Getting Started

Repository for Make-Easy HMIS

1. How to Run the Project

The project is divided into two parts, the frontend and the backend. The frontend is built with Next.js and the backend with Django. The backend is a Django hat serves the frontend. The frontend is a NextJs dashboard that consumes the API. The easiest way to get started is to use Docker. In teh root directory there is a docker-compose-local.yml file that will set up all the services you need including celery and redis. As of September, backend uses sqlite, so no need to set up external postgres,. This will however be changed when deployed. However, for local development, I advice you use docker-compose-local.yml.

i. Running with Docker

If you're running with docker, inside ./src/assets/backend-axios-instance/index.js update the baseURL with baseURL = baseURL: "http://backend:8000". Frontend will use the backend container's name as the baseURL. Make sure you have the .env file specified in the docker-compose-local.yml or docker-compose.yml. You can simply rename the .env.local to .env and update the variables accordingly. In the root directory run; docker compose up If you want to run the development version, run: docker compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up Frontend will be running on and backend on This well set up all the services you need including celery and redis. As of the latest revision of this docs, backend uses sqlite, so no need to set up external postgres,. This will however be changed when deployed.

After the steps above, jump to Adding Permissions and add permissions. You can also check notifications while at it.

ii. Running Manually

I highly suggest you use docker as explained above. However, if for some reason or the other you're not able to use docker, follow the steps below to run manually.


First rename the ./backend/.env.local to .env with the sample code inside

i) Windows

Install python and virtualenv. Next, in the project directory run:

virtualenv venv
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations customuser authperms patient pharmacy inventory laboratory company receptions billing announcement
python migrate
python runserver

ii) Linux

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt

python makemigrations customuser authperms patient pharmacy inventory laboratory company receptions billing announcement

python migrate
python runserver

All looks good if you can see the djago admin panel at Kill the server for now and create a superuser with python createsuperuser You'll use this account to log into the dashboard in frontend

To register patients using landing page, create a group in django Admin called PATIENT, but we'll dive deeper in this in the permissions section.

To browse available endpoints, visit:

Celery and Redis

If not installed already, install celery and redis INSIDE YOUR VIRTUAL ENV pip install celery redis Run Celery: celery -A easymed worker --loglevel=INFO Run Redis: redis-cli -h -p 6379

Celery beat

If not installed already, install celery and redis INSIDE YOUR VIRTUAL ENV pip install celery redis Run Celery: celery -A easymed beat --loglevel=INFO


Update the baseURL inside ./src/assets/backend-axios-instance/index.js to "",

First, create a .env file in the same directory as the src folder then add the following:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_HMIS_VERSION=v0.0.1-alpha-0.1

Install dependencies:

npm install

Lastly run the development server using:

npm run dev

Dev version can be a little slow. To run a faster build version, use the following commands:

npm run build
npm start

Visit localhost

2. Adding Permissions

You need to create groups and associate permissions. make sure groups follow this order SYS_ADMIN, PATIENT group then the rest ie DOCTOR,PHARMACIST, RECEPTIONIST, LAB_TECH , NURSE Then create permissions below and link to the GROUPS. N/B: Frontend will not work without permissions and Groups set up. Create super user then navigate to localhost:8080/admin and add permissions;


You will notice that we have a Role and a Group. A group is associated with permissions which determines which specific dashboards a user is allowed to access. A role helps differentiate staff from patients hence redirecting to patient profile if patient and to general dashboard if staff.

3. Notifications

i. Testing Socket connection for notifications

Django's runserver does not support asgi (socket connections required for notifications) run with uvicorn to have the notifications working uvicorn --port 8080 easymed.asgi:application

Currently, the notifications are sent to the group doctor_notifications and inventory_notifications

On a separate terminal npm install -g wscat

ii. Patient Notifications

on a separate terminal wscat -c ws://localhost:8080/ws/doctor_notifications/ <-- appointment assigned notification will be seen here

iii. Inventory Notifications

First navigate to the admin panel and assign permissionCAN_RECEIVE_INVENTORY_NOTIFICATIONS to a group to ensure specific users receive notifications via email


  • Group: LAB_TECH

on a separate terminal wscat -c ws://localhost:8080/ws/inventory_notifications/ <-- inventory notification will be seen here

4. A word on patient processes

Each process starting form Appointment, should be billed first before it's actioned. For Billing to work, these should be updated in order. Patient must have Insurance if not, cash will be picked by default. Payment Modes should be updated in that regard Add Item Add Inventory for that item Add InsuranceSalePrise for specific Items depending on the Insurance

5. Reporting

Sale by Date Range

To generate sales by given date, send sample request as shown below curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_date/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"start_date": "2024-02-01", "end_date": "2024-02-18"}' > report-log.txt curl The > report-log.txt just dumps the logs to the report-log.txt file for troubleshooting.

If sending directly from frontend, just configure the payload and send to the endpoint http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_date/ You can access the generated report here

Sale by Date Range and Item Id

To generated sales report by date range and given item id; curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_item_and_date/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"item_id": "1", "start_date": "2024-02-01", "end_date": "2024-02-10"}'

You can access the generated pdf here /serve_sales_by_item_id_pdf/

Sales by payment mode

Send POST request to the endpoint below, teh response will have the total amount for a given payment mode /reports/total_payment_mode_amount/?payment_mode=insurance&date=2024-02-18

Lab reports

By default, or when explicitly specified, all lab test will be quantitative and will use the following endpoints. In the same order, create a report, add test-panel-results to that report then generate the pdf report /lab/lab-test-results/ /lab/lab-test-results-panel/ /download_labtestresult_pdf/<int:labtestresult_id>/

To get a test result report for a particular patient, you send a GET request to this endpoint:{processtestrequest_id}

Doctor Reports

This will give you all appointments by given doctor and date range

If no date range is specified it will get you a report for all appointments

Goods Receipt note

Generates a receipt note for incoming items{purchade_order_id}/

Supplier Invoice Report

This will give us a report of all invoices by a given supplier. Can be used to show account details for a given supplier{supplier_id}/

6. Laboratory Integration

Due to the complexity of the lab module, the integration will be handled by a parser which is hosted on a separate repository here. Here's an overview of the process;

  1. The parser listens to a specific port for incoming messages
  2. If incoming message is HL7 or ASTM, it convirts to JSON and sends to the backend
  3. The backend receives the JSON and saves to the database
  4. If the incoming message is JSON, the parser will extract the equipment name, convirts the JSON to HL7 or ASTM and sends to the equipment.

7 System Requirements

Minimum system specifications RAM 8GB Disk SSD 250GB CPU 3-10th Gen

Other requirements; The system uses TCP to primarily integret with Equipment. For equipment with any other form of coms other than TCP/Ethernet, will need to be configured with additional hardware that converts the coms to TCP A device such us this, can work.

Last Revised January, 11, 2025, by Moses Mbadi

Invoicing process

For Invoicing to work appropriately, you need to create an Item, then add the item to the inventory and an InsuranceSalePrice for that item.

InvoiceItem --> post_save - update_item_price_on_invoice() --> post_save - update_is_billed_status() -> update_service_billed_status() --> pre_save - check_quantity_before_billing() -> check_quantity_availability()

check_quantity_availability() -> get_available_stock() -> get_available_stock() -> update_stock_quantity_if_stock_is_available() -> update_stock_quantity_if_stock_is_available()

8 Deployment with Terraform, ansible and Github Action

First things first, you need to configure your AWS credentials. You can do this by running aws configure and entering your credentials. You can also set the credentials in the ~/.aws/credentials file.

Next, you need to have terraform and ansible installed. You can install terraform by following the instructions here and ansible by following the instructions here.

After the prerequisites are out of the way, you can now proceed to deploy the application. The deployment process is divided into two parts, the infrastructure and the application.

First CD into /deployment directory and run the following commands:

Commands to run terraform

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

That will provision our infrastracture. We then let ansible take care of the rest: ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini ansible-playbook.yml

Ofcourse that is if you want to deploy manually. However, with the Github actions set up, the entire deployment proxes is handled by the actions. You can check the actions in the .github/workflows directory.

To destroy all resources created terraform destroy


Monitoring will be handled by Prometheus and Grafana. To test the backend metrics manually, hit this endpoint /metrics


If you get an error saying invalid AMI, you can check the available AMIs in your region by running the command below: aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters "Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/*" --region us-east-1


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