My name is Patrick Szczepański, and I live in Olsztyn since I was born.
I finished Information Technology studies at University of Warmia and Mazury.
I also have 6 years of commercial experience with writing various django (python-based web framework) stuff.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning real frontend frameworks, other than jQuery
- 💬 Ask me about Linux or Hackintoshes - do you remember GNU/Linux paste or golden Hackintosh Poland 2015/2016 era?
- 📫 How to reach me: send mail to [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: He/him
The topic of engineer thesis was social media platform. I implemented it using Django, PostgreSQL database backend, also I used Django-Channels, Django-Allauth, REST and jQuery libraries. The whole project was wrote with queries and code optimization at Python level.
An operating system that became a meme for me back in 2017 and 2018, when I was writing odd stuff during bouts of insomnia.
This is something I didn’t initially want to publish, but here we go anyway. Feel free to submit pull requests and use it in your own projects.
Project that provides you functionality to remember every form in just... cookies. Do you believe that?
First game for subject called "Team Project" at my studies written in javascript, jQuery and Django.
Big application that provides you way to manage students for practice/work, not finished due to lack of time.
Has chat functionality (based on websockets/django-channels), views based on REST framework API, and VueJS frontend demo.
I want also to thank my friend Grzesiek that provided me some parts of code (mainly frontend) and testing or debugging.
Application that manages dispatchers and Taxi drivers, written in pure Django and jQuery.
Xapian-haystack port to new versions of Django made years ago (now it's unneccesary because there is new repository maintainer).
Bot that works via similar way to AnonimoweMirkoWyznania known from Wykop. Made because of friend request. Despite multiple dependencies (project is using discordpy, django, nginx, gunicorn and even aiohttp server) it uses about 100-150MB of RAM.