DeepXi-1 Public
Forked from anicolson/DeepXiDeep Xi: A deep learning approach to a priori SNR estimation implemented in TensorFlow 2/Keras. For speech enhancement and robust ASR.
MATLAB Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedAug 26, 2021 -
alphafold Public
Forked from google-deepmind/alphafoldOpen source code for AlphaFold.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 13, 2021 -
keras Public
Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
Python Other UpdatedJul 20, 2021 -
t81_558_deep_learning Public
Forked from jeffheaton/t81_558_deep_learningWashington University (in St. Louis) Course T81-558: Applications of Deep Neural Networks
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2021 -
deep-learning-with-python-notebooks Public
Forked from fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooksJupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2021 -
handson-ml2 Public
Forked from ageron/handson-ml2A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 1, 2021 -
Mask_RCNN Public
Forked from matterport/Mask_RCNNMask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
Python Other UpdatedJun 27, 2021 -
tape Public
Forked from songlab-cal/tapeTasks Assessing Protein Embeddings (TAPE), a set of five biologically relevant semi-supervised learning tasks spread across different domains of protein biology.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 3, 2021 -
DeepReinforcementLearningInAction Public
Forked from DeepReinforcementLearning/DeepReinforcementLearningInActionCode from the Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action book from Manning, Inc
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 1, 2021 -
manim Public
Forked from 3b1b/manimAnimation engine for explanatory math videos
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2021 -
Forked from jaswindersingh2/SPOT-RNARNA Secondary Structure Prediction using an Ensemble of Two-dimensional Deep Neural Networks and Transfer Learning.
Perl Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedApr 1, 2021 -
deep-learning-models Public
Forked from fchollet/deep-learning-modelsKeras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
melgan-neurips Public
Forked from descriptinc/melgan-neuripsGAN-based Mel-Spectrogram Inversion Network for Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 29, 2020 -
DeepSpeech Public
Forked from mozilla/DeepSpeechA TensorFlow implementation of Baidu's DeepSpeech architecture
C++ Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
tensorflow_cookbook Public
Forked from nfmcclure/tensorflow_cookbookCode for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2018